§1925. Automobile insurance policies
A.(1) Any person who with an intent to injure, defraud, or deceive any insurance
company commits any of the acts specified in Paragraph (2) of this Subsection is guilty of
a felony and shall be subjected to a term of imprisonment, with or without hard labor, not to
exceed five years or a fine not to exceed five thousand dollars, or both, and payment of
restitution to the victim company of any insurance payments to the defendant that the court
determines were not owed and the costs incurred by the victim company associated with the
evaluation and defense of the fraudulent claim, including but not limited to the investigative
costs, attorney fees, and court costs. However, mere possession of a fraudulent proof of
insurance card or document shall be punishable by a fine of five hundred dollars,
imprisonment for not more than six months, or both.
(2) The following acts shall be punishable as provided in Paragraph (1) of this
(a) Knowingly causing or participating in a vehicular collision, or any other vehicular
accident, for the purpose of presenting any false or fraudulent claim.
(b) Knowingly presenting or causing to be presented multiple claims for the same
loss or injury, including presentation of multiple claims to more than one insurer, with an
intent to defraud.
(c) Engaging in any of the actions or activities described in R.S. 22:1924, relative
to insurance policies in general.
B. The criminal provisions of this Section shall be investigated, enforced, or
prosecuted only by the proper law enforcement and prosecutorial agencies.
C. The provisions of this Section shall not extinguish any civil cause of action in
favor of the victim company, but shall reduce any civil judgment by any restitution actually
received by the company under this Section.
D. In addition to the venue established by Code of Criminal Procedure Articles 611
and 614, venue shall also be appropriate in the Nineteenth Judicial District Court, parish of
East Baton Rouge.
Acts 1992, No. 707, §2; Acts 2005, No. 450, §1; Acts 2008, No. 15, §1; Redesignated
from R.S. 22:1244 by Acts 2008, No. 415, §1, eff. Jan. 1, 2009; Acts 2024, No. 340, §1, eff.
May 28, 2024.