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      RS 29:415     


§415. Payment of death and survivor benefits; public retirement

            A. The employee's period of service in the uniformed services shall be counted as creditable service in the public retirement system in which he was a member, for determining eligibility for death and survivor benefits and in the computation of benefits, provided that the following conditions are satisfied:

            (1) The beneficiary of the death or survivor benefits shall provide payment of the unpaid portion of the contributions of the deceased member. The beneficiary may agree in writing to have the payment of the unpaid portion of the contributions of the deceased member deducted from the benefits over a period not to exceed four years. The beneficiary may pay, in the alternative, the required amount in a lump sum prior to the distribution of benefits.

            (2) If there is more than one beneficiary, a written agreement to pay the unpaid contributions of the deceased member shall be unanimous. In the event that a recipient is a minor child, the legal guardian of the minor child shall express consent for the minor child.

            (3) The board of trustees of every public retirement system defined in R.S. 29:403, shall adopt a written policy covering all beneficiaries' and survivors' rights to pay the required contributions in order to have the employee's military service computed in the computation of any death or survivor benefits payable under the system.

            B. If all of the conditions of Subsection A are satisfied, the employer shall pay the employer contributions in a manner consistent with this Subpart.

            C. If the beneficiary of the death or survivor benefits of the deceased member elects not to pay the employee contributions due the system on account for such service in the uniformed services credit, the computation of death and survivor benefits shall be based on the actual service of the reservist in the system prior to his call to service in the uniformed services. The death or survivor benefits provided for herein shall be due and payable upon the death of the reservist.

            D. If the application of any provision set forth in this Section results in an unpaid actuarial cost to the retirement system, it shall be borne by the employers through reflection in the employer rate established pursuant to R.S. 11:102 or 103, or as provided by the actuarial funding requirements and any other laws, rules, or regulations applicable to the public retirement system in which the employee receives credit pursuant to the provisions of this Part.

            Acts 1991, 1st E.S., No. 6, §1, eff. April 17, 1991; Acts 1995, No. 716, §1, eff. June 21, 1995; Acts 2018, No. 225, §2, eff. May 15, 2018.

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