§1619. Social service contracts
A. Social services include:
(1) Rehabilitation and health supports include services rendered by a contractor with
special knowledge or service available to assist individuals in attaining or maintaining a
favorable condition of physical and mental health. These services include but are not limited
(a) Health-related counseling.
(b) Alcohol or drug abuse training and treatment.
(c) Training to support emergency medical services.
(d) Services to support family planning.
(e) Counseling, delinquency prevention.
(f) Genetic disease evaluation and counseling.
(g) Community-based medical support services.
(h) Evaluation and training for persons with physical or mental disabilities.
(i) Other services in support of same.
(2) Habilitation and socialization include services rendered by a contractor with
special knowledge to assist specified client groups to enhance their self-sufficiency or
alleviate their dependency or isolation from the community. These services include but are
not limited to:
(a) Day care.
(b) Work and training.
(c) Early intervention for persons with intellectual disabilities, developmental delays,
or physical disabilities.
(d) Transportation for service access.
(e) Homemaker, home management, and housing improvement services.
(f) In-home and out-of-home respite care.
(g) Socialization services for low income and other special needs groups.
(h) Nursing home ombudsman.
(i) Nutritional, employment, case management, senior center activities, or other
services to aid independent living by the elderly.
(j) Training and community planning services for same.
(3) Protection for adults and children include services rendered by a contractor to
provide therapeutic intervention for adults or children who are in danger or threatened with
danger of physical or mental injury, neglect, maltreatment, extortion, or exploitation,
including victims of family violence. These services include but are not limited to:
(a) Community planning for neglect/abuse.
(b) Adoption.
(c) Substitute care.
(d) Education and training.
(e) Crisis intervention type services.
(f) Emergency shelter for victims of rape/family violence or services in support of
(g) Training and evaluation services for same.
(4) Improvement of living conditions and health include services rendered by an
authorized contractor with special knowledge or services available to assist individuals to
attain or maintain favorable conditions in which to live. These services include but are not
limited to:
(a) Distribution of foodstuffs either purchased or that are made available from
government-owned commodities.
(b) Determining the needs of the poor, and development of programs to distribute
the available resources.
(c) Determining the needs of the poor and identifying programs to alleviate these
poverty conditions.
(d) Providing services to respond to the educational/employment needs of eligible
individuals in the communities needing these services. The primary purpose of this service
is to provide the participating individuals with the skills necessary for them to advance
socially, academically, and occupationally.
(e) Providing training and evaluation of services for any of the above services.
(5) Evaluation, testing, and remedial educational services for exceptional nonpublic
school students with physical or learning disabilities include services rendered by a
contractor with special knowledge or services available to provide special educational and
related services for exceptional students or students with disabilities voluntarily enrolled in
approved nonpublic schools of Louisiana who are not otherwise provided with such services
through either their local school program or through other services afforded to them by local
school boards or other public agencies. These services include but are not limited to:
(a) Identification, assessment, appraisal, and evaluation of exceptional children and
children with disabilities.
(b) Development of individualized educational programs.
(c) The providing of instructional and supportive services to such eligible students
in accordance with the provisions of R.S. 17:1941 et seq. and P.L. 94-142 and their
B. Contracts for social services may be awarded without the necessity of competitive
bidding or competitive negotiation only if the state chief procurement officer determines that
any one of the following conditions is present. The using agency shall document the
condition present and such documentation shall be part of the contract record submitted to
the office of state procurement.
(1) The services are available only from a single, or sole, source. Sole source
procurement shall be determined by the state chief procurement officer. A contract shall also
be considered as sole source if a request for proposals is issued in accordance with R.S.
39:1595(B) and only one or no proposals are received.
(2) The state legislature has made an appropriation for that particular contractor or
contractors via the appropriation bill or other statutes.
(3) A quasi-public or nonprofit corporation, such as a parish voluntary council on
aging, an area agency on aging, an affiliate of The Arc of Louisiana or equivalent, an
organization serving persons with intellectual or developmental disabilities, an organization
serving children, youth, or families, or an organization promoting independence from public
assistance has been established in coordination with the state to provide the particular service
involved in the contract.
(4) Local matching funds of greater than ten percent of the contract amount are
required to be contributed by the contractor. Such matching funds may be in the form of
cash, certified expenditures or in-kind contributions, where applicable to the funding source.
(5) The nature of the services being provided necessitates that a continuity of
contractors be maintained as in but not limited to therapeutic and crisis support to clients and
employment and training programs.
(6) An emergency exists which will not permit the delay in procurement necessitated
by the request for proposal procedure given in R.S. 39:1595(B). Such emergency shall be
determined by the state chief procurement officer.
(7) The total contract amount is less than two hundred fifty thousand dollars per
twelve-month period. Service requirements shall not be artificially divided so as to exempt
contracts from the request for proposal process.
(8) The contract is with another governmental entity or governmental body.
(9) Funds are specifically designated by the federal government for a particular
private or public contractor or political subdivision.
(10) The contract is with a social service contractor who supplies services under a
contract in existence as of November 30, 1985, as long as such contractor continues to supply
substantially the same services and the using agency certifies:
(a) The services are satisfactory.
(b) They intend to continue contracting with that contractor.
C. If none of the conditions given in Subsection B of this Section are determined by
the state chief procurement officer to be present in a contract for social service, then that
contract shall be awarded through a request for proposal process in accordance with R.S.
39:1595(B) under rules and regulations issued by the office of state procurement.
D. This Chapter shall apply to interagency contracts as defined in R.S. 39:1556(30),
and to contracts or grants between the state and its political subdivisions to procure social
Acts 2014, No. 811, §21, eff. June 23, 2014; Acts 2014, No. 864, §2, eff. Jan. 1,