§141. Duties of the office of telecommunications management
A. The office of telecommunications management shall have the following duties:
(1) To establish and coordinate all telecommunications systems and
telecommunications services affecting the management and operations of the executive
branch of state government. Telecommunications systems, including equipment and related
services, and telecommunications services shall mean the equipment and services and means
necessary to provide:
(a) Telecommunications transmission facilities and services.
(b) Voice telecommunications systems and services.
(c) Local area network systems and services.
(d) Wide area network systems and services.
(e) Video systems and services, except those video systems and services specifically
reserved to the Louisiana Educational Television Authority pursuant to R.S. 17:2501.
(f) Wireless systems and services to include, but not be limited to, cellular and
personal communications systems.
(g) Radio systems, to include but not be limited to two-way radio systems; however,
the operational abilities and priorities of two-way communications of the departments in the
executive branch shall not be impeded.
(h) Intercom and electro-mechanical paging systems.
(i) Any and all systems and services based on emerging and future
telecommunications technologies relating to Subparagraphs (a) through (h) of this Paragraph.
(2) To act as the sole centralized customer for the acquisition, billing, and
recordkeeping of all telecommunications systems or telecommunications services provided
to state agencies. The ownership of such systems procured by the office of
telecommunications management may vest in the respective agency, but control of the
systems shall be retained by the office of telecommunications management.
(3) To charge respective user agencies for the cost of the telecommunications
systems and telecommunications services provided by the office of telecommunications
management including the cost of the operation of the office. These costs shall be charged
in a consistent and equitable manner.
(4) To develop coordinated telecommunications systems or telecommunications
services within and among all state agencies and require, where appropriate, cooperative
utilization of telecommunications systems and telecommunications services by aggregating
users. National Crime Information Center network usage is exempted from this Section.
(5) To review, coordinate, approve, or disapprove all requests by state agencies for
the procurement of telecommunications systems or telecommunications services including
telecommunications proposals, studies, and consultation contracts or services.
(6) To establish and define telecommunications systems and telecommunications
services specifications and designs so as to assure compatibility of telecommunications
systems and telecommunications services within state government.
(7) To promote, coordinate, or assist in the design and engineering of emergency
telecommunications systems and telecommunications services within state government.
(8) To advise and provide consultation to agencies with respect to
telecommunications management planning and related matters and to provide training to
users within state government in telecommunications technology and system use.
(9) To develop policies, procedures, and long-range plans, consistent with the
protection of citizens' rights to privacy and access to information, for the acquisition and use
of telecommunications systems, and to base such policies on current information about state
telecommunications activities in relation to the full range of emerging technologies.
(10) To manage, with the concurrence of the building owner, access by
telecommunications common carriers to state facilities.
B. Agencies shall cooperate with the office of telecommunications management's
fulfillment of the office's duties as established by this Part. However, nothing provided in
this Part shall be construed to preempt the authorities granted to the higher education boards
in Article VIII of the Constitution of Louisiana. Public postsecondary institutions of
education, their management boards, and the Board of Regents shall be excluded from this
Part unless the state chief information officer can verify that inclusion per contracted service
would result in savings to the institution or board.
Added by Acts 1982, No. 153, §1, eff. July 12, 1982. Acts 1984, No. 617, §1; Acts
1985, No. 57, §1; Acts 1986, No. 469, §1; Acts 1990, No. 876, §1; Acts 1997, No. 1098, §1,
eff. July 14, 1997; Acts 2001, No. 772, §3, eff. July 1, 2001; Acts 2015, No. 241, §1.