§2533. Personnel files
A. No law enforcement officer shall have any comment adverse to his interest
entered in his personnel file, or any other file used for any personnel purposes by his
employer, without the law enforcement officer's having first read and signed the instrument
containing the adverse comment indicating he is aware of such comment, except that such
entry may be made if, after reading such instrument, the law enforcement officer refuses to
sign it. Should a law enforcement officer refuse to sign, that fact shall be noted on that
document and signed or initialed by such officer.
B. A law enforcement officer shall have thirty days within which to file a written
response to any adverse comment entered in his personnel file. Such written response shall
be attached to and shall accompany the adverse comment.
C.(1) A law enforcement officer, upon written request, shall have any record of a
formal complaint made against the officer for any violation of a municipal or parish
ordinance or state criminal statute listed in Paragraph (2) of this Subsection involving
domestic violence expunged from his personnel file, if the complaint was made anonymously
to the police department and the charges are not substantiated within twelve months of the
lodging of the complaint.
(2)(a) Any violation of a municipal or parish ordinance or state statute defining
criminal battery and assault.
(b) Any violation of other municipal or parish ordinances or state statutes including
criminal trespass, criminal damage to property, or disturbing the peace if the incident
occurred at either the home of the victim or the officer or the violation was the result of an
obvious domestic dispute.
D. Sustained complaints against the law enforcement officer shall remain in the
officer's personnel file for a period of at least ten years, but only after the officer has
exhausted all administrative appeals to which he is entitled.
Acts 1985, No. 425, §1; Acts 1995, No. 232, §1; Acts 1995, No. 915, §1; Acts 1995,
No. 1251, §2; Acts 2005, No. 452, §1; Acts 2021, No. 451, §1.