Senate Daily Digest
March 26, 2014
9:00 a.m.
Senate Chamber


PDF Daily Digest

  BLUE = already considered.   RED = currently being considered.   BLACK = not yet considered.
 **Click on an instrument for additional information.  Click on an author for the author's home page.


Senate Bills on Second Reading to be Referred
 SB569MORRISHNURSING HOMES - Provides with respect to the moratorium on additional beds for nursing facilities. (8/1/14)

Senate Concurrent Resolutions 2nd Reading
 SCR40BODI WHITEPRIVATE SECURITY - Reduces the amount of insurance required of licensed private security companies for care, custody, and control from $500,000 to $100,000.
 SCR41GALLOTFEDERAL PROGRAMS - Requests the United States Department of Agriculture to develop tastier food options for the National School Lunch Program.
 SCR42SMITHCOMMENDATIONS - Commends Ajit "AJ" Pethe on being selected the 2014 Principal of the Year.
 SCR43CROWELEGIS POWERS/FUNCTIONS - Designates the week of April 6-12 as "Junior Auxiliary Week" at the Louisiana Legislature.
 SCR44DORSEY-COLOMBPUBLIC HEALTH - Directs the Department of Health and Hospitals to declare youth violence a public health epidemic and the Department of Education to establish a statewide trauma-informed education program.

Senate Concurrent Resolutions 2nd Reading Subject to Call
 SCR8CLAITORHEALTH CARE - Expresses the sense of the Louisiana Legislature on the need for colorectal cancer screening examinations.
 SCR9CLAITORCOMMENDATIONS - Commends Claney Duplechin, coach of the Episcopal High School Knights boys varsity cross country team, on being selected as a 2013 National Coach of the Year by the National Federation of State High School Associations.

House Bills on Second Reading to be Referred
 HB132JEFFERSONTAX/SALES-USE, LOCAL - Authorizes the town of Homer to levy an additional sales and use tax (EN +$505,000 LF RV See Note)
 HB241ARMESWILDLIFE & FISHERIES CMN - Makes a technical correction to remove the effective date reference contained in the ballot language for the proposed constitutional amendment that would specify certain geographical qualifications for members of the Wildlife and Fisheries Commission
 HB365MORENOVOTING/REGISTRATION - Provides with respect to voter registration information and data

House Concurrent Resolutions 2nd Reading
 HCR33H.BURNSSOCIAL SECURITY SYS - Memorializes congress to consider eliminating the Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP) and the Government Pension Offset (GPO) Social Security benefit reductions
 HCR39GREGORY MILLERCOMMENDATIONS - Commends the River Region Caucus and its member parishes for their cooperative efforts toward improving the quality of life in the river region

Senate Bills Reported by Committee
 SB38MORRISHCLERKS OF COURT - Includes the clerk of each district court to receive an automobile expense allowance. (8/1/14) (EN +$724,000 LF EX See Note)
 SB55KOSTELKACRIME/PUNISHMENT - Adds vehicular homicide to the list of crimes of violence. (gov sig)
 SB75MORRELLPUBLIC HEALTH - Provides relative to the minimum disinfectant residual levels of free or total chlorine throughout public and private water systems. (8/1/14)
 SB130MORRELLVIDEO POKER - Provides relative to fuel sale requirements at qualified truck stops. (8/1/14)
 SB147DORSEY-COLOMBCRIMINAL JUSTICE - Provides relative to the notice of an execution required to be given to the victim's family. (8/1/14) (EN NO IMPACT See Note)
 SB168WALSWORTHPUBLIC DEFENDER - Provides relative to appointments to the Louisiana Public Defender Board. (8/1/14)
 SB178MORRISHHEALTH/ACC INSURANCE - Provides with respect to health care sharing ministries. (8/1/14)
 SB193KOSTELKAELECTION CODE - Increases the compensation for deputy parish custodians of voting machines. (1/1/15) (EG INCREASE GF EX See Note)
 SB203MORRELLCOURTS - Authorizes 24th Judicial District Court to assign certain divisions as a reentry division. (8/1/14)
 SB204MORRELLALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES - Provides relative to containers of beverages of high alcoholic content and prohibits the sale and shipment into this state of containers of powdered alcohol. (gov sig)
 SB208WARDELECTION CODE - Prohibits a public officer who has been removed from office pursuant to a recall election from qualifying for the same office at a special election to fill the position. (8/1/14)
 SB240NEVERSCLERKS OF COURT - Provides relative to notice of decisions in criminal appeals. (8/1/14) (EN NO IMPACT See Note)
 SB244MORRISHINSURANCE RATES - Provides with respect to rate filings with the commissioner of insurance. (gov sig)
 SB247MORRISHINSURANCE DEPARTMENT - Provides with respect to insurance fraud. (8/1/14)
 SB248MORRISHCHILDREN - Requires certain factors be considered when a court orders visitation between a minor child and an incarcerated parent. (8/1/14) (EN NO IMPACT See Note)
 SB268CLAITORLIABILITY - Provides relative to civil liability for theft of goods from a merchant. (8/1/14) (EN NO IMPACT See Note)
 SB277PERRYDWI - Provides for changes to DWI laws. (1/1/15)
 SB291MORRELLCIVIL PROCEDURE - Authorizes exemplary damages in certain suits arising from domestic abuse. (8/1/14) (EN SEE FISC NOTE See Note)
 SB292MORRELLDIVORCE - Provides relative to divorce proceedings. (8/1/14) (EN SEE FISC NOTE See Note)
 SB307CROWENOTARIES - Provides relative to hospital notaries.(8/1/14) (EN NO IMPACT See Note)
 SB309BROOMEHEALTH CARE - Provides for screening of pregnant women for HIV and syphilis in the third trimester of pregnancy. (gov sig)
 SB318SMITHWARRANTIES - Provides relative to the performance of warranty repairs on motor vehicles. (8/1/14)
 SB331MORRISHSHERIFFS - Provides with respect to the payment of insurance premiums for retired sheriffs and deputy sheriffs of the Acadia Parish Sheriff's Office. (gov sig)
 SB362CORTEZCOMMERCIAL REGULATIONS - Provides relative to licensing renewal dates for currency exchange services through use of an electronic system. (gov sig)
 SB394MORRELLETHICS - Prohibits persons having outstanding fines, fees, or penalties pursuant to Code of Governmental Ethics from serving on any boards and commissions. (8/1/14)
 SB422BROOMELIABILITY - Provides immunity for rendering assistance in medical emergencies involving alcohol consumption or drug overdose. (8/1/14)
 SB460ADLEYLEGISLATIVE AUDITOR - Requires schools receiving certain state scholarship funds to maintain funds in a separate account or use certain accounting procedures established for the legislative auditor. (8/1/14)
 SB503HEITMEIERHEALTH/HOSPITALS DEPT - Provides for the Department of Health and Hospitals to create an upper payment limit mechanism for ambulatory surgical centers. (gov sig)
 SB512HEITMEIERPUBLIC HEALTH - Provides for chain restaurant menu labeling. (1/1/15)
 SB513HEITMEIERHEALTH SERVICES - Provides for the Louisiana Obesity Prevention and Management Commission. (gov sig)
 SB514HEITMEIERSCHOOLS - Prohibits smoking near public and private elementary and secondary school property. (gov sig)
 SB518MARTINYCOMMERCIAL REGULATIONS - Provides relative to indemnification of motor carrier transportation contracts and construction contracts. (8/1/14)
 SB542MORRELLGAMING - Requires annual report from the Gaming Control Board on impact of technology advances on gaming industry. (8/1/14)


Senate Resolutions Reported by Committee to be Adopted
 SR18JOHNSCONGRESS - Memorializes Congress to reauthorize the Terrorism Risk Insurance Program.

Senate Concurrent Resolutions Reported by Committee
 SCR20HEITMEIERHEALTH/HOSPITALS DEPT - Directs Department of Health and Hospitals to submit a state plan amendment to the federal government that will permit WIC cash value vouchers to be used at farmers' markets.
 SCR21HEITMEIERHEALTH CARE - Creates a joint legislative committee on obesity.

Senate Bills 3rd Reading and Final Passage
 SB14E.GUILLORYSCHOOL EMPLOYEES RET - Provides for the determination of liabilities of the Louisiana School Employees' Retirement System and the payment therefor. (6/30/14) (EN +$4,613,318 FC LF EX)
 SB30CORTEZSTATE EMPLOYEE RET - Provides relative to benefits of adult probation and parole officers. (2/3 - CA10s29(F)) (6/30/14) (EN $4,523,091 APV)
 SB31TROY BROWNEDUCATION DEPARTMENT - Requires DOE to report annually specified information regarding the Student Scholarships for Educational Excellence Program to state legislators. (gov sig)
 SB36TROY BROWNSCHOOLS - Requires notification to certain elected officials regarding submission and status of certain charter school applications. (gov sig)
 SB48J.SMITHCOURTS - Authorizes an increase in court costs in the mayor's court of the town of Rosepine. (2/3 - CA7s2.1) (8/1/14) (EN +$37,500 LF RV See Note)
 SB51MARTINYTAX/TAXATION - Removes the authority of the Louisiana Tax Free Shopping Program to charge participating retailers a membership fee. (gov sig) (EN -$80,000 SG RV See Note)
 SB52J.SMITHCOURTS - Increases authorized court costs for municipal ordinance violations in the mayor's court in the town of Anacoco. (8/1/14) (EN +$10,000 LF RV See Note)
 SB56NEVERSPOSTSECONDARY ED - Requires BESE, the Board of Regents, and public postsecondary education boards to participate in regular meetings regarding articulation and transfer policies and agreements. (gov sig) (EN SEE FISC NOTE GF EX See Note)
 SB59J.SMITHLOCAL AGENCIES - Repeals special provisions relative to the Beauregard Electric Cooperative. (gov sig) (EN NO IMPACT LF EX See Note)
 SB64CORTEZAIRCRAFT/AVIATION - Expands powers of Lafayette Airport Commission to include economic development purposes. (8/1/14)
 SB88ALARIOTREASURY DEPARTMENT - Re-creates the Department of the Treasury and its agencies. (6/30/14) (EN NO IMPACT See Note)
 SB97NEVERSSPECIAL DISTRICTS - Repeals provisions relative to the Tangipahoa Parish Economic Development District. (gov sig) (EN NO IMPACT LF RV See Note)
 SB98NEVERSTOPS - Provides that a five-point scale shall be used when calculating the grade point average for certain honors courses and talented courses. (gov sig) (EN +$1,240,000 GF EX See Note)
 SB125NEVERSEDUCATION DEPARTMENT - Provides relative to agricultural education and establishes the Agricultural Education Commission. (gov sig) (EN SEE FISC NOTE GF EX See Note)
 SB126NEVERSTOPS - Provides relative to TOPS. (gov sig) (EN INCREASE GF EX See Note)
 SB141LONGWATER/WATERWAYS - Extends the time when the state may enter into a cooperative endeavor agreement for the sale of surface water. (8/1/14)
 SB152J.SMITHLOCAL AGENCIES - Provides for increasing the board membership to ten on the War Memorial Civic Center Board in the town of DeRidder. (gov sig)
 SB154LONGWILDLIFE/FISHERIES DEPT - Provides relative to the importation of certain fish. (8/1/14)
 SB174PETERSONMUNICIPALITIES - Provides relative to condemnation procedures for the removal of dangerous structures in parishes and municipalities. (gov sig)
 SB177APPELPOSTSECONDARY ED - Provides relative to the use, expenditure, or allocation of funds appropriated to public postsecondary education management boards. (7/1/16)
 SB212WARDHUNTERS/HUNTING - Allows the use of a firearm sound suppressor while hunting certain wild quadrupeds. (8/1/14)
 SB234J.SMITHCOURTS - Provides for remission to Indigent Defender Fund of certain court costs in mayor's court of the Town of New Llano. (gov sig) (EN +$60,000 LF RV See Note)
 SB246MORRISHSHRIMP/SHRIMPING - Changes the line of demarcation of the inside and outside waters for purposes of shrimping. (8/1/14)
 SB251WARDWILDLIFE RESOURCES - Provides for the sale or purchase of wild birds and wild quadrupeds. (8/1/14)
 SB253MORRISHFUNDS/FUNDING - Provides for an increase in certain criminal court costs in the Thirty-First Judicial District Court. (8/1/14) (EN INCREASE LF RV See Note)
 SB261JOHNSPORTS/HARBORS/TERMINALS - Provides relative to the Lake Charles Harbor and Terminal District. (8/1/14)(2/3- CA6s43)
 SB262NEVERSLOCAL AGENCIES - Provides for a per diem for board members of the Washington Parish Gas Utility District No. 2. (gov sig) (EN +$1,500 LF EX See Note)
 SB305CHABERTCOASTAL RESOURCES - Provides relative to Coastal Louisiana Levee Consortium. (gov sig)
 SB315DONAHUEPROCUREMENT CODE - Provides relative to group purchasing and cooperative purchasing provisions of certain public postsecondary education institutions. (7/1/14). (EN DECREASE GF EX See Note)
 SB319DONAHUEFISCAL CONTROLS - Provides that certain audits completed by the office of the legislative auditor shall be reported to the Joint Legislative Committee on the Budget on an annual basis. (7/1/14) (EN NO IMPACT See Note)
 SB320DONAHUECAPITAL OUTLAY - Provides relative to Joint Legislative Committee on the Budget approval of capital outlay change orders. (gov sig) (EN SEE FISC NOTE EX See Note)
 SB337APPELPOSTSECONDARY ED - Provides for the development of an outcomes-based funding formula for postsecondary education. (gov sig) (EN INCREASE GF EX See Note)
 SB369WALSWORTHFISH/FISHING - Provides for the possession limits of crappie on Lake D'Arbonne. (8/1/14)
 SB417SMITHMOTOR VEHICLES - Provides relative to a water damaged vehicle. (8/1/14)
 SB418SMITHMOTOR VEHICLES - Provides relative to required credentials for registration of a motor vehicle, trailer, or semitrailer, or other vehicle to be operated on public highways. (8/1/14)
 SB430WALSWORTHPUBLIC LANDS - Authorizes the transfer of certain state land in Union Parish. (gov sig)
 SB433BODI WHITEPUBLIC LANDS - Provides for the transfer of certain state properties in East Baton Rouge Parish. (gov sig)
 SB435PERRYMUNICIPALITIES - Authorizes the city of Scott to levy a hotel occupancy tax not to exceed five percent of the rent or fee charged for such occupancy. (gov sig)
 SB476SMITHCOMMERCIAL REGULATIONS - Provides relative to driving school bond requirement and cease and desist orders. (8/1/14)
 SB481DONAHUETECHNOLOGY - Provides with respect to technology services and technology procurement. (7/1/14) (EN -$24,700,000 GF EX See Note)
 SB528CROWEPORTS/HARBORS/TERMINALS - Provides relative to the Louisiana International Deep Water Gulf Transfer Terminal Authority. (gov sig)

Senate Bills 3rd Reading and Final Passage Subject to Call
 SB11ERIC LAFLEURJUDGES - Constitutional amendment to remove the age beyond which judges shall not remain in office. (2/3 - CA13s1(A)) (EG DECREASE FC SG EX)
 SB70CLAITORCURRICULA - Repeals the Balanced Treatment for Creation-Science and Evolution-Science Act. (8/1/14)
 SB72BODI WHITECHILDREN'S CODE - Removes the requirement that certain petitions be verified. (8/1/14) (EN NO IMPACT See Note)
 SB385ERIC LAFLEURSCHOOLS - Provides for empowered community schools. (7/1/14)
 SB434ERIC LAFLEURCLERKS OF COURT - Provides for automobile expense allowance for certain clerks of court. (8/1/14)