NGO Funding Request
The recipient entity's full legal name:
2911 Academy
The recipient entity's physical address:
440 North Foster Drive Baton Rouge, LA 70806
The recipient entity's mailing address (if different):
440 North Foster Drive Baton Rouge, LA 70806
Type of Entity (for instance, a nonprofit corporation):
Non-Profit Corporation
If the entity is a corporation, list the names of the incorporators:
Tremaine Sterling
The last four digits of the entity's taxpayer ID number:
What is the dollar amount of the request?
What type of request is this?
General Appropriation
Is this entity in good standing with the Secretary of State?
Provide the name of each member of the recipient entity's governing board and officers:
President: Tremaine Sterling- 440 North Foster Drive Baton Rouge, LA 70806
Treasurer: Erion Davison- 440 North Foster Drive Baton Rouge, LA 70806
Secretary: Naketa Sterling- 440 North Foster Drive Baton Rouge, LA 70806
Provide a summary of the project or program:
29:11 Academy will provide and partner with other organizations to provide mentoring, educational after school programming, resources for disabled community, and support for parents and children in the community to become more successful in the 21st century.
29:11 Academy project will provide:
academic enrichment to support education
curriculums relationship building skills to build strong self-confidence and inspire positive behaviors life skills & job placement; how to dress for success, how to interview, how to get employment, healthy eating for teens, applying for a driver's license, applying for a library card, how to use the library, travel, guidance through difficult teenage years to help youth develop independent decision making skills help to strive for positive social engagements with others in the community and guidance of how to incorporate spirituality into all areas of everyday life.
The Mission of 29:11 Academy is to stimulate at-risk youth to identify their purpose by enhancing moral development and academic performance in a non-traditional environment, whereby teens get an opportunity to meet their full potential.
• 29:11 Academy provides at-risk youth support, guidance, and tools to succeed in the real world.
• 29:11 Academy strives to match teens with positive adult mentors who teach
empowerment; youth ultimately learns to value themselves and make good decisions.
Our Vision of 29:11 Academy is to instill confidence, an individual sense of responsibility, and that each youth recognize the need to have a plan for a
future filled with life-enhancing goals, and for them to realize their full potential.
What is the budget relative to the project for which funding is requested?:
Salaries. . . . . . . . . . . . .
Professional Services. . .
Contracts . . . . . . . . . . .
Acquisitions . . . . . . . . .
Major Repairs . . . . . . .
Operating Services. . . .
Other Charges. . . . . . .
Does your organization have any outstanding audit issues or findings?
If 'Yes' is your organization working with the appropriate governmental agencies to resolve those issues or findings?
What is the entity's public purpose, sought to be achieved through the use of state monies?
29:11 goal to achieve with the state monies to help increase literacy and decrease the academic challenges that’s facing so many students in our community especially minorities.
What are the goals and objectives for achieving such purpose?
The goals and objectives to achieve such a purpose is by providing unfortunate students academic support after school to help increase their ability to read, write, and comprehend max our goals is to achieve the success that students know basic math that’s behind academically 2-3 grade levels. Our goal to achieve in the disabled community is to provide them a safe place where they can receive counsel, hope, and encouragement to overcome mental health challenges and so much more.
What is the proposed length of time estimated by the entity to accomplish the purpose?
24-48 months
If any elected or appointed state official or an immediate family member of such an official is an officer, director, trustee, or employee of the recipient entity who receives compensation or holds any ownership interest therein:
(a) If an elected or appointed state official, the name and address of the official and the office held by such person:
(b) If an immediate family member of an elected or appointed state official, the name and address of such person; the name, address, and office of the official to whom the person is related; and the nature of the relationship:
(c) The percentage of the official's or immediate family member's ownership interest in the recipient entity, if any:
(d) The position, if any, held by the official or immediate family member in the recipient entity:
If the recipient entity has a contract with any elected or appointed state official or an immediate family member of such an official or with the state or any political subdivision of the state:
(a) If the contract is with an elected or appointed state official, provide the name and address of the official and the office held by such person:
(b) If the contract is with an immediate family member of an elected or appointed state official:
Provide the name and address of such person:
Provide the name, address, and office of the official to whom the person is related:
What is the nature of the relationship?
(c) If the contract is with the state or a political subdivision of the state, provide the name and address of the state entity or political subdivision of the state:
(d) The nature of the contract, including a description of the goods or services provided or to be provided pursuant to the contract:
Contact Information
Tremaine Sterling
440 North Foster Drive
Baton Rouge, LA 70806
relationship to entity: