House Committee on Retirement
April 30, 2014
9:00 a.m.
Room 4


  BLUE = already considered.   RED = currently being considered.   BLACK = not yet considered.
 **Click on an instrument for additional information.  Click on an author for the author's home page.




 HB30SAM JONESRETIREMENT/COLAS - Provides a permanent benefit increase paid from the experience account to certain retired members and beneficiaries of the Louisiana State Employees' Retirement System (OR +$97,481,233 APV)
 HB31SAM JONESRETIREMENT/COLAS - Provides a permanent benefit increase paid from the experience account to certain retired members and beneficiaries of the Teachers' Retirement System of Louisiana (OR +$185,065,866 APV)
 HB32SAM JONESRETIREMENT/COLAS - Provides a permanent benefit increase paid from the experience account to certain retired members and beneficiaries of the State Police Retirement System (OR +$9,474,040 APV)
 HB33SAM JONESRETIREMENT/COLAS - Provides a permanent benefit increase paid from the experience account to certain retired members and beneficiaries of the La. School Employees' Retirement System (OR +15,862,663 APV)
 HB34SAM JONESRETIREMENT/COLAS - Provides a supplemental benefit increase to qualifying retirees and beneficiaries of the La. State Employees' Retirement System (OR +$181,964,968 APV)
 HB35SAM JONESRETIREMENT/COLAS - Provides a supplemental benefit increase to certain qualifying retirees and beneficiaries of the La. School Employees' Retirement System (OR +$30,667,812 APV)
 HB36SAM JONESRETIREMENT/COLAS - Provides a supplemental benefit increase to qualifying retirees and beneficiaries of the State Police Retirement System (OR +$9,056,192 APV)
 HB84JACKSON-ANDREWSRETIREMENT/COLAS - Provides a supplemental benefit to qualifying retirees and beneficiaries of the La. State Employees' Retirement System (OR +$181,964,968 APV)
 HB85JACKSON-ANDREWSRETIREMENT/COLAS - Provides a permanent benefit increase paid from the experience account to certain retired members and beneficiaries of the Louisiana State Employees' Retirement System (OR +$97,481,233 APV)