Senate Daily Digest
May 18, 2015
4:30 pm
Senate Chamber


PDF Daily Digest

  BLUE = already considered.   RED = currently being considered.   BLACK = not yet considered.
 **Click on an instrument for additional information.  Click on an author for the author's home page.


Senate Resolutions 2nd Reading
 SR118PETERSONCOMMENDATIONS - Commends the Louis A. Martinet Legal Society for its contributions to the legal profession and community and recognize May 21, 2015, as Louis A. Martinet Day at the Louisiana State Capitol.
 SR119PETERSONCOMMENDATIONS - Recognizes Tuesday, May 19, 2015, as the 31st Annual Red and White Day at the Louisiana Legislature.

Senate Concurrent Resolutions 2nd Reading
 SCR101NEVERSCOMMENDATIONS - Commends Al J. Ransome for his service to the state of Louisiana.
 SCR102BROOMELEGIS POWERS/FUNCTIONS - Requests the Louisiana State Law Institute to study and make recommendations regarding whether an assignment or transfer of a mortgage loan on residential real property should be required to be recorded in the appropriate mortgage or conveyance records in order to be effective as to third parties.

House Bills on Second Reading to be Referred
 HB47ST.GERMAINPROPERTY/COMMUNITY - Prohibits certain post-divorce earnable compensation in the Firefighters' Retirement System from being included in a former spouse's portion of community property (RE NO IMPACT APV)
 HB67KENNY COXWEAPONS/FIREARMS - Excludes retired district attorneys and retired assistant district attorneys from prosecution for the illegal carrying of weapons in certain circumstances (EN NO IMPACT GF EX See Note)
 HB153T.BURNSCRIME - Creates the crime of unlawful distribution of material harmful to minors through the Internet (EN INCREASE LF RV See Note)
 HB169CAMERON HENRYLEGISLATIVE AFFAIRS - Requires state entities, officials, and employees to provide information to the legislature
 HB301DOVEMENTAL HEALTH - Provides relative to court-ordered outpatient mental health treatment
 HB355PUGHTAX/SALES-USE, STATE - Provide for the collection of sales and use taxes due on sales made in Louisiana by a remote dealer (RE1 SEE FISC NOTE GF RV See Note)
 HB385N.LANDRYCHILDREN/ABUSE - Provides with respect to mandatory reporters
 HB514SCHEXNAYDERCIVIL/PROCESS - Provides for notice to certain state departments and agencies of suits involving violation of certain permits
 HB555FANNINTAX/SALES-USE, STATE - Provides relative to the collection of state sales and use taxes due on sales made in Louisiana by a remote dealer (EN SEE FISC NOTE GF RV See Note)
 HB564BURFORDMTR VEHICLE/INSPECTION - Provides relative to motor vehicle inspections (RE INCREASE SG RV See Note)
 HB593T.LANDRYMTR VEHICLE/INSPECTION - To provide for automation of the motor vehicle inspection process (EN DECREASE SG RV See Note)
 HB742LEGERTRANSPORTATION - Revises factors and processes by which projects are selected to be included within the Highway Priority Program
 HB767ST.GERMAINTRANSPORTATION - Creates the Louisiana State Transportation Infrastructure Bank (EN SEE FISC NOTE SD RV See Note)
 HB835MORENOHEALTH/MEDICAL TREATMENT - Provides relative to the examination, treatment, and billing of victims of sexually-oriented criminal offenses

House Concurrent Resolutions 2nd Reading
 HCR75KLECKLEYHOSPITALS - Provides for a hospital stabilization formula (RE INCREASE SD RV See Note)
 HCR84SIMONLEGISLATIVE AGCY/LAW INST - Directs the La. State Law Institute to reorganize and recodify the Miscellaneous Health Provisions chapter of Title 40 of the La. Revised Statutes
 HCR86SIMONHEALTH/HOME CARE - Creates a study committee on family caregiving and long-term supports
 HCR87HARRISONCONGRESS - Memorializes the United States Congress to amend the employer shared responsibility provisions of the Affordable Care Act to eliminate penalties on school districts
 HCR104DOVEFISHING/OYSTERS - Creates the Oyster Lease Moratorium Lifting Committee
 HCR140LAMBERTFISHING/CRAWFISH - Urges the Department of Wildlife and Fisheries to examine the issue of a wild-caught crawfish fishing season

 SB112GALLOTLOCAL OPTION - Provides for a local option election for the sale of liquor and wine in certain areas of Rapides Parish. (gov sig)

Senate Bills 3rd Reading and Final Passage
 SB113GALLOTPSYCHOLOGISTS - Provides relative to membership of the State Board of Examiners of Psychologists, qualifications of certain licensees, and maintenance of board documents and records. (8/1/15)
 SB171MORRISHHEALTH/ACC INSURANCE - Provides for self-insured trust health insurance plans. (8/1/15)
 SB193THOMPSONSPECIAL DISTRICTS - Authorizes the Walnut Street Special District as a tax increment finance district in the city of Monroe. (gov sig) (EN INCREASE LF See Note)
 SB250JOHNSLAW ENFORCEMENT - Creates a pilot program (Statewide Motor Vehicle Theft and Uninsured Motorists Identification Program) involving the use of license plate recognition devices for certain purposes. (8/1/15)

Senate Bills 3rd Reading and Final Passage Subject to Call
 SB29CORTEZMUNICIPALITIES - Provides relative to the city of Lafayette municipal fire and police civil service system. (8/1/16)
 SB38JOHNSMUNICIPALITIES - Provides relative to the city of Lake Charles municipal fire and police civil service system. (gov sig)
 SB47PERRYDWI - Provides technical changes to current law relative to the crime of driving while intoxicated. (gov sig)
 SB61BUFFINGTONHEALTH SERVICES - Provides relative to hospital service districts. (gov sig)
 SB87PERRYETHICS - Provides exception from financial disclosure requirements for members of certain boards and commissions that do not earn compensation or per diem and provides exception to post service restrictions for certain contracts. (See Act)
 SB146CLAITORFUNDS/FUNDING - Provides relative to the Budget Stabilization Fund. (See Act) (EG +$25,000,000 GF RV See Note)
 SB167BUFFINGTONMEDICAID - Provides relative to the Medical Assistance Program. (8/1/15) (EG NO IMPACT See Note)
 SB177ADLEYTAX/AD VALOREM - Constitutional amendment to add certain property tax exemptions and reductions and to provide with respect to tax credits associated with them; to dedicate the net state revenue increase to a Tax Credit Reduction Fund and provide for allocations from the fund; and to provide for appropriations to local tax authorities. (2/3-CA 13sl(A)) (EG -$597,000,000 LF RV See Note)
 SB181ADLEYTAX/INCOME/PERSONAL - Repeals an income tax deduction for the net capital gains on the sale of a nonpublicly traded business commercially domiciled in Louisiana. (gov sig) (EG +$3,700,000 GF RV See Note)
 SB217GALLOTPUBLIC BUILDINGS/GROUNDS - Authorizes the transfer of certain state property in Rapides and East Baton Rouge Parishes. (8/1/15)
 SB234DONAHUETAX/TAXATION - Makes certain food businesses and any retail business except grocery stores and pharmacies with a certain number of employees ineligible for Enterprise Zone contracts. (gov sig) (EG +$1,000,000 GF RV See Note)
 SB240ERIC LAFLEURPUBLIC LANDS - Provides for the exchange of school lands by the Avoyelles Parish School Board. (gov sig)
 SB269ADLEYTAX/TAXATION - Requires corporations subject to Louisiana income or franchise tax which have either corporate gross revenues everywhere of $8 billion or $8 million of assets everywhere to file combined returns and limits their NOL deduction to 50% of tax liability. (gov sig) (EG INCREASE GF RV See Note)

House Concurrent Resolutions Reported by Committee to be adopted
 HCR4SIMONHEALTH SERVICES - Expresses the intent of the legislature regarding the standard of care prescribed by law for the practice of telemedicine
 HCR44FOILSTATE AGENCIES - Requests all state agencies in the executive branch of state government to provide for a crisis leave pool and requests the Department of State Civil Service to report progress to the legislature

House Bills 3rd Reading and Final Passage
 HB28MONTOUCETHIGHWAYS - Designates portions of certain highways
 HB36SHADOINHIGHWAYS - Designates a bridge located on Louisiana Highway 2 in Union Parish as the "Alvin Green Memorial Bridge"
 HB75SEABAUGHCOURTS/COURT REPORTERS - Provides for changes in the amount collected by the clerk of court in the 1st Judicial District for the court reporters' fund (EN +$114,850 LF RV See Note)
 HB93HAVARDPORTS/HARBORS/TERMINALS - Provides for meetings of the West Feliciana Port Commission
 HB106HAVARDCOURTS/COURT COSTS - Provides for the reallocation of certain funds from the Feliciana Juvenile Justice District to the district attorney for the Twentieth Judicial District (EN NO IMPACT LF RV See Note)
 HB128CHANEYHIGHWAYS - Designates certain highways in the state highway system
 HB227JIM MORRISHIGHWAYS - Designates the section of I-49 from the overpass at the U.S. Hwy. 71 interchange, in Caddo Parish, to the Arkansas state line in memory of Greg Wall, P.E.
 HB305HARRISONCOURTS/COURT COSTS - Provides for an increase in fees that the office of marshal of Houma may charge in civil matters (EN +$218,000 LF RV See Note)
 HB338DANAHAYTAX APPEALS/BOARD - Provides with respect to the enforcement and adjudication of state and local taxes and the Board of Tax Appeals (EN +$60,000 SG EX See Note)
 HB417BERTHELOTMTR VEHICLE/PUBLIC - Creates an ALS special prestige license plate
 HB470MIGUEZCOURTS/COURT COSTS - Provides for an increase in court costs for the Sixteenth Judicial District Court's Judicial Expense Fund (EN +$387,500 LF RV See Note)
 HB674WHITNEYBRIDGES/FERRIES - Renames a portion of Louisiana Highway 24 over Bayou Terrebonne in Gray, La., as the "Northpark Bridge"
 HB699ABRAMSONMTR VEHICLE/LICEN PLATES - Creates the "300th Anniversary of the City of New Orleans" specialty license plate
 HB7THIBAUTCRIME - Amends provisions of law regarding unauthorized entry of a critical infrastructure
 HB139HODGESCRIME/SEX OFFENSES - To amend references of "simple rape", "forcible rape", and "aggravated rape" to "first degree rape", "second degree rape", and "third degree rape" respectively
 HB173T.LANDRYAGRICULTURE/SWEET POTATO - Modifies the disbursement amount of sweet potato tax money collected
 HB174LEBASCONTROLLED SUBSTANCES - Provides with respect to the scheduling of controlled dangerous substances
 HB243CHANEYAGRICULTURE - Modifies certain powers of the Louisiana Agricultural Finance Authority
 HB269ANDERSAGRICULTURE - Authorizes the Department of Agriculture and Forestry to issue certifications and registrations
 HB299CHANEYCOURTS - Provides with respect to surplus monies in the witness fee fund of the 6th Judicial District Court
 HB344HAZELGAMING - Provides with respect to the regulation of video draw poker employee permits
 HB641M.GUILLORYGAMING - Provides relative to the central computer monitoring system for gaming regulation