House Committee on Natural Resources and Environment
April 26, 2023
9:30 a.m.
Room 4


  BLUE = already considered.   RED = currently being considered.   BLACK = not yet considered.
 **Click on an instrument for additional information.  Click on an author for the author's home page.




 HCR29KERNERAQUACULTURE - Urges and requests the president of the United States to reconsider the signed agreement that facilitates growth of certain aquaculture exports from Ecuador to the United States
 HB59DUBUISSONBOATS/SHIPS/VESSELS - Authorizes the use of personal watercraft between sunset and sunrise
 HB238COUSSANNATURAL RESOURCES DEPT - Authorizes certain members of specified commissions within the Department of Natural Resources to attend and participate in meetings via teleconference or video conference
 HB297DEVILLIERENVIRONMENT/LITTERING - Provides a time limitation for citing intentional and simple littering violations
 HB438ROBERT OWENWILDLIFE & FISHERIES - Provides relative to oyster seed ground vessel permits
 HB455COUSSANMINERALS/RIGHTS - Provides relative to rights in minerals
 HB465HODGESWATERWAYS - Provides relative to the Louisiana Scenic Rivers Act
 HB503KENNY COXWILDLIFE & FISHERIES - Provides relative to hull identification numbers issued by the Department of Wildlife and Fisheries
 HB528CORMIERWILDLIFE/ENFORCEMENT - Increases penalties for violations of shrimp and crawfish labeling requirements in food service establishments (OR INCREASE SD EX See Note)
 HB570SEABAUGHWILDLIFE & FISHERIES - Establishes a monetary reward for feral hog tails (OR +$2,027,716 SD EX See Note)
 HB627KERNERSEAFOOD - Provides relative to a fee increase for the Imported Seafood Safety Fund (RE +$1,875 SD RV See Note)



Any person who does not feel comfortable giving testimony in person may submit a prepared statement in accordance with House Rule 14.33 in lieu of appearing before the committee:

A. Any interested person or any committee member may file with the committee a prepared statement concerning a specific instrument or matter under consideration by the committee or concerning any matter within the committee's scope of authority, and the committee records shall reflect receipt of such statement and the date and time thereof.

B. Any person who files a prepared statement which contains data or statistical information shall include in such prepared statement sufficient information to identify the source of the data or statistical information. For the purposes of this Paragraph, the term "source" shall mean a publication, website, person, or other source from which the data or statistical information contained in the prepared statement was obtained by the person or persons who prepared the statement.

NOTE: Statements emailed to and received prior to noon on Tuesday, April 25, 2023, will be distributed to the committee members prior to the meeting.