Senate Committee on Health and Welfare
June 5, 2023
09:00 a.m.
John J. Hainkel, Jr. Room

* Agenda Revised June 4, 2023, 8:51 pm *
Revision Notes: Added HB148


  BLUE = already considered.   RED = currently being considered.   BLACK = not yet considered.
 **Click on an instrument for additional information.  Click on an author for the author's home page.




 May 24, 2023 and May 31, 2023

 HB148STAGNISUPPLEMENTAL PAY - Provides relative to supplemental pay for municipal or parish fire department employees (EN NO IMPACT See Note)
 SR134DUPLESSISCHILDREN - Requests the Louisiana Passenger Safety Task Force to study the feasability of creating a program to provide education on child passenger safety and coordinate the distribution of child safety seats to families in need.
 SR136BOUDREAUXHEALTH DEPARTMENT - Urges and requests the Louisiana Department of Health to assist in the development of a public service campaign to foster awareness and education on perinatal mental health care.
 SR145DUPLESSISMEDICAID - Urges and requests the Louisiana Department of Health to amend the state Medicaid plan to extend pregnancy coverage to individuals at or below 185% of the federal poverty level.
 SR149BARROWHOUSING - Continues the Task Force on Prevention of Human Degradation and Exploitation of Vulnerable Individuals in Community-Based Residential Settings.
 SR159FRED MILLSPUBLIC HEALTH - Directs the Louisiana Department of Health to protect the people of Louisiana from the dangers of imported seafood by immediately taking any and all action necessary to enforce the many provisions of Louisiana law relative to seafood safety.
 SR160LUNEAUHEALTH CARE - To urge and request the Louisiana State Board of Medical Examiners, the Louisiana State Board of Dentistry, and the Louisiana State Board of Nursing to verify and provide public access to collaborative practice agreements.
 HCR84JORDANHEALTH - Creates the Task Force on African American Suicide Rates
 HCR114KENNY COXPHYSICIANS - Requests the Louisiana State Board of Medical Examiners to study the potential outcomes of allowing sanctioned physicians to practice under supervision and its impact on the physician shortage
 HCR120DAVISHEALTH/CANCER - Creates a subcommittee to study nonmelanoma skin cancer prevention and treatment
 HCR122KERNERMEDICAID - Memorializes the United States Congress to adopt strategies for improving access to dental care for adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities
 HCR123JORDANINSURANCE/PROPERTY - Requests the Department of Insurance to report certain information regarding the Insure Louisiana Incentive Program
 HCR134KERNERSEAFOOD - Creates the Imported Seafood Safety Task Force to study and make recommendations regarding the funding and enforcement of imported seafood regulations


Persons who do not feel comfortable giving testimony in person may submit a prepared statement in accordance with Senate Rule 13.79, in lieu of appearing before the committee. Statements may be emailed to sh& and must be received by the committee secretary at least four hours prior to the meeting to be included in the record for this committee meeting.

Audio/visual presentations, such as PowerPoint, must be received by the committee secretary at sh& at least twenty-four hours PRIOR to the scheduled start of the committee meeting for review and prior approval. Thumb drives will NOT be accepted.

Persons desiring to participate in the meeting should utilize appropriate protective health measures and observe the recommended and appropriate social distancing.