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Constitutional Amendments
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Constitutional Amendments / Joint Resolutions
of the 2015 Regular Session

  There are 67 Instruments in this List    Show 100 Items
Instrument  Author         Status         Considered
HB31 RICHARD Involuntarily deferred in House and Governmental Affairs Considered 5/12/15 more...
    LEGISLATIVE SESSIONS:  (Constitutional Amendment) Removes ability for the legislature to opt out of a veto session (OR INCREASE GF EX See Note)
HB32 RICHARD Pending House and Governmental Affairs Considered 5/12/15 more...
    GOVERNOR/POWERS-VETO:  (Constitutional Amendment) Removes governor's authority to veto line items in an appropriation bill (OR NO IMPACT See Note)
HB55 RITCHIE Pending House Ways and Means more...
    TAX/STATE:  (Constitutional Amendment) Levies a tax on the use of hydrocarbon processing facilities and dedicates the proceeds of such tax
HB59 B.ADAMS Pending House Ways and Means more...
    TAX EXEMPTIONS/HOMESTEAD:  (Constitutional Amendment) Increases the homestead exemption and requires adjustment of the exemption after reappraisal
HB60 CARMODY Pending House Education Sched. for 4/21/15 more...
    HIGHER EDUCATION:  (Constitutional Amendment) Relative to management of public postsecondary education, abolishes the Board of Regents and the management boards and transfers their powers, duties, and responsibilities to a newly created La. Postsecondary Education Board of Trustees (OR INCREASE GF EX See Note)
HB61 CARMODY Pending in Conference Committee (House) more...
    STUDENT/TUITION:  (Constitutional Amendment) Exempts public postsecondary education tuition and fees from requirements for imposing a new or increasing an existing fee and provides relative to the authority to set tuition and fees (RR1 SEE FISC NOTE SG RV See Note)
HB62 FOIL Pending Senate Revenue and Fiscal Affairs more...
    COLLEGES/UNIVERSITIES:  (Constitutional Amendment) Exempts public postsecondary education fees from requirements for imposing a new or increasing an existing fee (RE INCREASE SG RV See Note)
HB77 RITCHIE Pending House Ways and Means more...
    TAX/TOBACCO TAX:  (Constitutional Amendment) Levies an additional tax on cigarettes (OR +$250,000,000 GF RV See Note)
HB78 SEABAUGH Pending House Ways and Means more...
    TAX/AD VALOREM TAX:  (Constitutional Amendment) Removes the income limitation for purposes of qualifying for the special assessment level
HB189 RITCHIE Pending Senate Finance Considered 5/29/15 more...
    LEGISLATIVE SESSIONS:  (Constitutional Amendment) Provides relative to legislative sessions convening in even- and odd-numbered years (RE SEE FISC NOTE GF EX See Note)
HB235 ARNOLD Pending Senate Local and Municipal Affairs Considered 6/4/15 more...
    LOCAL GOVERNMENT:  (Constitutional Amendment) Authorizes the legislature to provide, by local law, for the incorporation of any area located within a single parish (RR INCREASE LF RV See Note)
HB236 SEABAUGH Pending House Ways and Means more...
    TAX/AD VALOREM TAX:  (Constitutional Amendment) Exempts items constituting business inventory from ad valorem property tax
HB237 P.SMITH Pending House and Governmental Affairs Considered 5/12/15 more...
    REGISTRARS OF VOTERS:  (Constitutional Amendment) Requires the registrar of voters in each parish to be appointed for a term and authorizes the manner of appointment of the registrar to be provided by law (OR SEE FISC NOTE GF EX)
HB238 TALBOT Pending House Ways and Means more...
    TAX/AD VALOREM TAX:  (Constitutional Amendment) Exempts items constituting business inventory from ad valorem property tax
HB262 JAMES Pending House Ways and Means more...
    TAX/INCOME TAX:  (Constitutional Amendment) Eliminates the state income tax deduction for federal income taxes paid
HB263 LEGER Pending House Ways and Means more...
    TAX/INCOME TAX:  (Constitutional Amendment) Eliminates the state income tax deduction for federal income taxes paid
HB264 MORRIS Pending House Ways and Means more...
    TAX/INCOME TAX:  (Constitutional Amendment) Establishes the rate of tax levied on individual income and eliminates the deduction for federal income taxes paid
HB265 PUGH Pending House Ways and Means more...
    TAX/SALES & USE:  (Constitutional Amendment) Specifies that the current state sales and use tax on transactions involving remote dealers shall be collected on behalf of local governments and school boards
HB266 THIERRY Pending House Ways and Means more...
    TAX/INCOME TAX:  (Constitutional Amendment) Eliminates the state income tax deduction for federal income taxes paid
HB322 HUNTER Withdrawn from the files of the House - prior to introduction more...
    VOTING/REGISTRATION:  (Constitutional Amendment) Provides relative to suspension of voting rights
HB323 LEGER Pending Senate Finance Considered 6/5/15 more...
    EDUCATION/FINANCE:  (Constitutional Amendment) Prohibits the supplanting of state funds for tuition and fee increases for institutions of higher education (RE SEE FISC NOTE GF EX See Note)
HB360 CHANEY Sent to the Secretary of State - Act 470 more...
    TAX/AD VALOREM-EXEMPTION:  (Constitutional Amendment) Specifies that the exemption from ad valorem taxation on public property shall not apply to land or property owned by another state or a political subdivision of another state (EN INCREASE LF RV See Note)
HB361 MORRIS Pending House Ways and Means more...
    TAX/AD VALOREM-MFG/EXEMP:  (Constitutional Amendment) Provides with respect to certain contracts granting ad valorem property tax exemptions for certain manufacturing establishments and additions
HB362 STOKES Pending House Ways and Means more...
    TAX/AD VALOREM-MFG/EXEMP:  (Constitutional Amendment) Provides with respect to ad valorem property tax exemption contracts granted by the Board of Commerce and Industry for certain manufacturing establishments and additions
HB411 JAMES Subject to call - House final passage more...
    COLLEGES/ADMISSIONS:  (Constitutional Amendment) Provides relative to the authority to set admission standards at public postsecondary education institutions (EG SEE FISC NOTE GF EX See Note)
HB412 MORRIS Subject to call - House final passage more...
    FUNDS/FUNDING:  (Constitutional Amendment) Dedicates the avails of the existing one percent state sales and use taxes for the support of public elementary through post-secondary education (RE +$113,000,000 SD RV See Note)
HB516 STEVE CARTER Pending House Ways and Means more...
    TAX/AD VALOREM-EXEMPTION:  (Constitutional Amendment) Provides with respect to the homestead exemption
HB517 J.EDWARDS Pending House Health and Welfare Considered 4/29/15 more...
    MEDICAID:  (Constitutional Amendment) Provides for expansion of Medicaid eligibility in conformance with standards provided in federal law (OR DECREASE GF EX See Note)
HB518 STOKES Sent to the Secretary of State - Act 472 more...
    LEGISLATIVE SESSIONS:  (Constitutional Amendment) Provides for matters which may be considered in a regular session convening in an odd-numbered year (REC NO IMPACT See Note)
HB519 P.WILLIAMS Pending House Ways and Means more...
    TAX/SALES & USE:  (Constitutional Amendment) Specifies that the current state sales and use tax on transactions involving remote dealers shall be collected on behalf of local governments and school districts
HB520 HENSGENS Pending House Ways and Means Sched. for 4/21/15 more...
    TAX EXEMPTIONS:  (Constitutional Amendment) Prohibits the granting of certain tax exemptions in certain circumstances
HB521 STOKES Pending House Ways and Means more...
    TAX/AD VALOREM-EXEMPTION:  (Constitutional Amendment) Exempts offshore vessels from ad valorem property tax
HB522 STOKES Pending House Ways and Means more...
    TAX/AD VALOREM-EXEMPTION:  (Constitutional Amendment) Exempts certain natural gas stores from ad valorem property taxes
HB523 SCHRODER Pending House Appropriations more...
    FUNDS/FUNDING:  (Constitutional Amendment) Eliminates certain constitutional dedications and funding mandates
HB524 OURSO Pending House Education Considered 5/6/15 more...
    SCHOOLS/DISTRICTS:  (Constitutional Amendment) Authorizes the creation of independent school districts (OR SEE FISC NOTE GF EX)
HB525 LAMBERT Pending House Appropriations more...
    FUNDS/FUNDING:  (Constitutional Amendment) Dedicates mineral revenue in excess of the amount required to be deposited into the Budget Stabilization Fund into the Transportation Trust Fund (OR DECREASE GF RV See Note)
HB613 LEGER Pending House Ways and Means Sched. for 5/4/15 more...
    TAX/AD VALOREM-EXEMPTION:  (Constitutional Amendment) Phases-in over a five year period an exemption for items constituting business inventory (OR -$103,000,000 LF RV See Note)
HB614 IVEY Pending House Ways and Means more...
    TAX/AD VALOREM-EXEMPTION:  (Constitutional Amendment) Exempts items constituting business inventory from ad valorem tax
HB615 STOKES Pending House Ways and Means more...
    TAX/LOCAL:  (Constitutional Amendment) Authorizes local governments to impose a tax on motor fuels
HB616 STOKES Pending House Ways and Means more...
    TAX/INCOME TAX:  (Constitutional Amendment) Eliminates the state income tax deduction for federal income taxes paid
HB617 JIM MORRIS Pending House Appropriations Sched. for 5/19/15 more...
    FUNDS/FUNDING:  (Constitutional Amendment) Prohibits the transfer or appropriation of money out of a fund except as authorized by the constitutional or statutory provisions for the fund (OR SEE FISC NOTE SD RV See Note)
HB618 ST.GERMAIN Sent to the Secretary of State - Act 471 more...
    TRANSPORTATION:  (Constitutional Amendment) To authorize public funds to be used to invest in a state infrastructure bank for eligible transportation projects (EN SEE FISC NOTE SD RV See Note)
HB619 STOKES Pending House Appropriations more...
    FUNDS/FUNDING:  (Constitutional Amendment) Dedicates the avails of certain state taxes on tobacco, nicotine products, alcoholic beverages, and other monies to be distributed to certain political subdivisions which levy ad valorem taxes
HB620 STOKES Pending House Ways and Means Considered 5/4/15 more...
    TAX/AD VALOREM TAX:  (Constitutional Amendment) Phases-in over a four year period an exemption for items constituting business inventory (OR -$243,000,000 LF RV See Note)
HB621 CONNICK Pending House Ways and Means more...
    TAX/LOCAL:  (Constitutional Amendment) Authorizes a parish governing authority to levy a tax on motor fuels with the avails of the tax to be used to supplement state and federal funding for state highway and bridge construction and maintenance in the parish collected, subject to voter approval
HB639 ROBIDEAUX Pending House Ways and Means more...
    TAX/GASOLINE TAX:  (Constitutional Amendment) Authorizes local governing authorities to levy an excise tax on certain motor fuels
SB10 PETERSON Pending Senate Health and Welfare Considered 5/6/15 more...
    HEALTH CARE:  Constitutional amendment to direct DHH to offer health insurance with essential health benefits to every legal resident of Louisiana whose income is at or below 138% of the federal poverty level. (2/3 - CA13s1(A)) (OR GF EX See Note)
SB15 NEVERS Pending Senate Revenue and Fiscal Affairs more...
    TAX/TAXATION:  Constitutional amendment to levy a tax on the use of hydrocarbon processing facilities and to dedicate the proceeds. (2/3 - CA13s1(A)) (1/1/16)
SB51 CROWE Involuntarily deferred in House Appropriations Considered 6/1/15 more...
    FUNDS/FUNDING:  Constitutional amendment to authorize limited redirection and transfer of funds supporting appropriations and allocations from the state general fund and dedicated funds in certain circumstances. (2/3s-CA7s10(F)(1)) (EG SEE FISC NOTE GF RV See Note)
SB75 FRED MILLS Pending Senate Finance Considered 5/25/15 more...
    TAX/TAXATION:  Constitutional amendment to establish the Exemption Review Conference and provide for the review of and recommendation concerning tax exemption, exclusion, deduction and credit instruments filed for certain regular sessions and to establish procedures for such instruments. (2/3-CA13s1(A)) (See Act) (EG INCREASE GF EX See Note)
SB80 E.GUILLORY Pending Senate Judiciary A more...
    CHILDREN:  Constitutional amendment to provide that an unborn child is a human being from the moment of conception. (2/3 - CA13s1(A))
SB85 ADLEY Pending Senate Revenue and Fiscal Affairs Considered 4/20/15 more...
    TAX/TAXATION:  Constitutional amendment to exempt from ad valorem property taxes inventory held by manufacturers, distributors, and retailers and to prohibit adjustment of millages because of the implementation of the exemption. (2/3-CA13s1(A)) (1/1/16) (OR -$517,000,000 LF RV See Note)
SB119 PERRY Subject to call - Senate final passage more...
    LEGISLATION:  Constitutional amendment to limit the number of constitutional amendments that may appear on a ballot. (2/3-CA13s1(A))
SB123 ADLEY Pending Senate Finance Considered 5/4/15 more...
    FUNDS/FUNDING:  Constitutional amendment to provide, beginning Fiscal Year 2016-2017, for certain dedications from the Transportation Trust Fund. (2/3-CA13s1(A)) (OR INCREASE GF EX See Note)
SB125 ADLEY Pending Senate Revenue and Fiscal Affairs more...
    TAX/AD VALOREM:  Constitutional amendment to reduce 10-Year Industrial Exemptions originally granted before January 1, 2017, to 60% of the property originally exempted and extend the term for an additional two years. (2/3 - CA13s1(A))
SB139 BRET ALLAIN Pending Senate Revenue and Fiscal Affairs more...
    TAX EXEMPTIONS:  Constitutional amendment to exempt from ad valorem property taxes inventory held by manufacturers, distributors, and retailers, to be submitted to electors of the state if a certain law is enacted. (2/3-CA13s1(A))(1/1/16)
SB140 BRET ALLAIN Pending Senate Revenue and Fiscal Affairs Considered 5/4/15 more...
    TAX/TAXATION:  Constitutional amendment to exempt from ad valorem property taxes inventory held by manufacturers, distributors, and retailers if the taxing authority accepts a payment in lieu of the property taxes which would otherwise be due on such inventory as may be provided by law for such purpose. (2/3-CA13s1(A))(1/1/16) (OR SEE FISC NOTE LF RV)
SB141 BODI WHITE Pending Senate Revenue and Fiscal Affairs more...
    TAX EXEMPTIONS:  Constitutional amendment to phase-in over a four-year period an exemption from ad valorem property taxes for inventory held by manufacturers, distributors, and retailers, and natural gas held, used, or consumed in providing natural gas storage services or operating natural gas storage facilities. (2/3 - CA13s1(A)) (1/1/16)
SB147 CLAITOR Pending Senate Finance Considered 5/4/15 more...
    FUNDS/FUNDING:  Constitutional amendment to provide relative to the Budget Stabilization Fund. (2/3-CA13s1(A)) (EG SEE FISC NOTE SD RV See Note)
SB148 GALLOT Pending Senate Judiciary A Considered 5/5/15 more...
    PRESCRIPTION:  Constitutional amendment to provide that private purchasers of lands belonging to the state, school board, or levee district shall gain the ability to acquire mineral interests upon prescription resulting from nonuse without interruption. (2/3-CA13s1(A)) (OR SEE FISC NOTE GF RV)
SB155 DONAHUE Failed House final passage more...
    TUITION:  Constitutional amendment to authorize the postsecondary education management boards to establish tuition and fee amounts charged by institutions under their supervision and management. (2/3-CA13sl(A)) (RR INCREASE SG RV See Note)
SB177 ADLEY Subject to call - Senate final passage more...
    TAX/AD VALOREM:  Constitutional amendment to add certain property tax exemptions and reductions and to provide with respect to tax credits associated with them; to dedicate the net state revenue increase to a Tax Credit Reduction Fund and provide for allocations from the fund; and to provide for appropriations to local tax authorities. (2/3-CA 13sl(A)) (EG -$597,000,000 LF RV See Note)
SB196 MORRELL Pending Senate Finance Considered 5/18/15 more...
    FUNDS/FUNDING:  Constitutional amendment to repeal certain constitutionally dedicated and protected allocations and funds. (2/3-CA13s1(A)) (OR INCREASE GF RV See Note)
SB199 GALLOT Pending Senate Revenue and Fiscal Affairs more...
    TAX/SALES:  Constitutional amendment to provide for taxation of Internet and mail-order sales and to provide for dedication and distribution of the proceeds. (2/3-CA13s1(A)) (1/1/16)
SB200 GALLOT Pending Senate Revenue and Fiscal Affairs more...
    TAX/SALES:  Constitutional amendment to authorize the state to levy and collect an additional state sales tax at the same rate as the state sales tax upon Internet and mail-order sales in lieu of local sales tax, all the proceeds of the tax to be distributed to each political subdivision and to dedicate the proceeds of a state tax on the same sales. (2/3 - CA13s1(A))
SB201 GALLOT Pending Senate and Governmental Affairs Considered 5/6/15 more...
    VOTERS/VOTING:  Constitutional amendment to provide for ballot initiatives. (2/3-CA13s1(A)) (OR INCREASE GF EX See Note)
SB202 ADLEY Sent to the Secretary of State - Act 473 more...
    FUNDS/FUNDING:  Constitutional amendment to rename the Budget Stabilization Fund to the Budget and Transportation Stabilization Trust and to provide for use of monies in the fund. (2/3s CA 13s 1 (A)) (EN SEE FISC NOTE SD RV See Note)
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