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Acts of the 2016 Regular Session

  There are 679 Instruments in this List    Show 100 Items
Act 1     SB1     MORRISH ROADS/HIGHWAYS:  To designate a portion of LA Highway 14 in Calcasieu Parish as the "Louisiana State Trooper Steven Vincent Memorial Highway". (8/1/16) more...
Act 2     HB273     TALBOT SUNSET LAW:  Re-creates the Department of Insurance more...
Act 3     HB341     TALBOT INSURANCE COMMISSIONER:  Provides relative to registration of discount medical plan organizations with the commissioner of insurance more...
Act 4     HB363     TALBOT INSURANCE/PROPERTY:  Provides that making certain false statements to the Property Insurance Association of Louisiana is a fraudulent insurance act more...
Act 5     HB515     ANDERS AGRICULTURE/MEAT:  Provides relative to the inspection of meat more...
Act 6     HB803     TALBOT INSURANCE:  Corrects certain citations in the Insurance Code more...
Act 7     HB179     MALINDA WHITE HUNTING:  Adds "blaze pink" as an alternative to the hunter orange requirements more...
Act 8     HB194     JAMES CRIMINAL/PROCEDURE:  Provides for exemption of expungement fees in certain circumstances (EN SEE FISC NOTE SG RV See Note) more...
Act 9     HB516     ANDERS AGRICULTURE:  Provides relative to the Louisiana Aquatic Chelonian Research and Promotion Board more...
Act 10     HB523     ROBBY CARTER AGRICULTURE/MILK:  Provides relative to the Dairy Industry Promotion Law more...
Act 11     HB588     ROBERT JOHNSON REVENUE/TAXATION DEPT:  Reduces the fee charged to the Department of Children and Family Services and district public defender's offices for each tax offset claim (EN SEE FISC NOTE SG RV See Note) more...
Act 12     HB592     ANDERS AGRICULTURE/FOREST DEPT:  Provides with respect to the Agricultural Commodities Dealer and Warehouse Law more...
Act 13     SB32     BOUDREAUX LOCAL FINANCE:  Authorizes the city of Carencro to levy a sales and use tax. (gov sig) more...
Act 14     SB63     WALSWORTH MUSEUMS:  Removes the Chennault Aviation and Military Museum from the jurisdiction of the Department of State.(gov sig) (EN DECREASE GF EX See Note) more...
Act 15     SB110     WARD CULT/REC/TOUR DEPARTMENT:  Re-creates the Department of Culture, Recreation and Tourism. (6/30/16) more...
Act 16     SB139     RISER MUSEUMS:  Removes the Schepis Museum from the jurisdiction of the Department of State. (gov sig) (EN NO IMPACT See Note) more...
Act 17     HB1     CAMERON HENRY APPROPRIATIONS:  Provides for the ordinary operating expenses of state government for Fiscal Year 2016-2017 more...
Act 18     SB174     DONAHUE TOPS:  Provides relative to the minimum ACT score for TOPS eligibility and TOPS award amounts. (gov sig) (EN SEE FISC NOTE GF EX See Note) more...
Act 19     HB12     PEARSON RETIREMENT/MUNICIPAL EMP:  Provides that the state treasurer and the commissioner of administration, or their designees, serve as voting members of the Municipal Employees' Retirement System board of trustees (EN NO IMPACT APV) more...
Act 20     HB100     TERRY BROWN HIGHWAYS:  Redesignates a portion of United States Highway 165 in Grant Parish as the "Captain Ronald David Bennett Memorial Highway" (EN +$3,360 SD EX See Note) more...
Act 21     HB109     TERRY BROWN MOTOR VEHICLES:  Provides for issuance of multiple hang tags for persons with mobility impairments more...
Act 22     HB110     HORTON HIGHWAYS:  Designates a bridge located on Louisiana Highway 154 in Bossier Parish as the "Officer Thomas LaValley Memorial Bridge" (EN +$3,360 SD EX See Note) more...
Act 23     HB120     ARMES HIGHWAYS:  Designates portions of certain highways in Vernon Parish (EN +$3,360 SD EX See Note) more...
Act 24     HB128     TERRY BROWN MTR VEHICLE/LICEN PLATES:  Adds requirements to qualify for a commissioned police officer special prestige license plate (EN SEE FISC NOTE SG RV See Note) more...
Act 25     HB236     THIBAUT MOTOR VEHICLES:  Provides grace period in order to pay certain taxes and fees related to motor vehicles for persons separating from active duty military service (EN NO IMPACT See Note) more...
Act 26     HB248     CARMODY MTR VEHICLE/LICEN PLATES:  Provides relative to a certain special prestige license plate for motorcycles more...
Act 28     HB468     CROMER PUBLIC HEALTH:  Requires adult residential care providers to disseminate educational information on influenza more...
Act 29     HB485     ROBERT JOHNSON CHILDREN/SUPPORT:  Provides for access to consumer reports by the Department of Children and Family Services for child support purposes more...
Act 30     HB519     BROWN INSURANCE:  Provides relative to the maintenance of electronic records by domestic insurers and to the maintenance of their records outside the state more...
Act 31     HB622     JIM MORRIS PROPERTY/PUBLIC:  Authorizes the transfer of certain state property in Caddo Parish more...
Act 32     HB782     DAVIS INSURANCE/HEALTH:  Provides relative to certain definitions in the Insurance Code used in regulation of health insurance more...
Act 33     HB28     TERRY BROWN HOLIDAYS:  Establishes a legal holiday in Grant Parish more...
Act 34     HB31     SHADOIN HOLIDAYS:  Establishes a legal holiday in Union Parish more...
Act 35     HB44     STOKES COURTS/MAYORS:  Provides relative to the mayor's court for the city of Kenner more...
Act 36     HB91     HILL COURTS/MAYORS:  Provides for a mayor's court in the village of Elizabeth more...
Act 38     HB95     MORENO LAW ENFORCE/CRIM JUS COM:  Adds additional members to the Louisiana Commission on Law Enforcement and Administration of Criminal Justice more...
Act 39     HB116     CARMODY COURTS/JUSTICE OF PEACE:  Requires each constable in Caddo Parish to report information relative to its deputy constable to the sheriff more...
Act 40     HB196     LEGER GAMBLING/VIDEO POKER:  Provides with respect to fuel sales at qualified truck stop facilities more...
Act 41     HB210     CONNICK CRIMINAL/PROCEDURE:  Provides relative to time limits for institution of prosecution of certain sex offenses more...
Act 42     HB251     CHANEY AGRICULTURE:  Provides relative to the state soil and water conservation commission more...
Act 43     HB291     GLOVER INSURANCE DEPARTMENT:  Provides relative to the division of diversity and opportunity and the Advisory Committee on Equal Opportunity (EN NO IMPACT See Note) more...
Act 44     HB304     MAGEE WEAPONS/FIREARMS:  Provides with respect to cost of concealed handgun permit for veterans (EN DECREASE SD RV See Note) more...
Act 45     HB312     DAVIS INSURANCE/HEALTH:  Reconstitutes the Louisiana Mandated Health Benefits Commission and repeals certain provisions relative to mandated health insurance benefits more...
Act 46     HB323     JACKSON-ANDREWS PUBLIC LANDS/STATE:  Authorizes the transfer of state property in Morehouse Parish more...
Act 47     HB215     CAMERON HENRY APPROPRIATIONS/ANCILLARY:  Provides for the ancillary expenses of state government more...
Act 48     HB346     CARMODY BANKS/BANKING:  Provides for exceptions to consumer loan licensing requirements more...
Act 49     HB442     ROBERT JOHNSON PUBLIC BLDGS/GROUNDS-ST:  Authorizes the secretary of the Department of Public Safety and Corrections to rename the correctional facility at Cottonport, Louisiana, the "Raymond Laborde Correctional Center" more...
Act 50     HB460     ABRAHAM INSURERS:  Provides authority for domestic insurers to invest in certain foreign securities more...
Act 51     HB490     LEBAS INSURANCE/HEALTH:  Provides for the submission of a remittance advice by health insurers to pharmacists more...
Act 52     HB495     MORENO PARDON:  Establishes a fee for conducting pardon investigations (EN SEE FISC NOTE SG RV See Note) more...
Act 53     HB524     ROBBY CARTER AGRICULTURE:  Provides relative to penalties for failure to provide records of petroleum products sold more...
Act 54     HB548     JACKSON-ANDREWS COURTS/DISTRICT:  Adds the creation of a reentry court in the 4th JDC more...
Act 55     HB571     SHADOIN SECRETARY OF STATE:  Repeals requirement that the secretary of state print documents of the Louisiana Historical Association more...
Act 56     HB596     HUVAL INSURERS/AGENTS:  Provides for notification and effectiveness of a material change in a contract between a health insurance issuer and a producer more...
Act 57     HB1047     CAMERON HENRY APPROPRIATIONS/SUPPLEML:  Supplemental appropriations for Fiscal Year 2015-2016 more...
Act 58     HB613     THIBAUT INSURANCE/HEALTH:  Provides relative to genetic information obtained by health insurers more...
Act 59     HB618     WILLMOTT HUMAN REMAINS:  Requires a health facility to provide notice of a parent's right to determine the final disposition of fetal remains more...
Act 60     HB634     MAGEE MINERALS/RIGHTS:  Provides with respect to the imprescriptible reservation of mineral rights more...
Act 61     HB637     STOKES FEES/LICENSES/PERMITS:  Authorizes the imposition of certain fees for rental of automobiles more...
Act 62     HB688     LEBAS CONTROLLED SUBSTANCES:  Adds substances to Schedules II and IV of the Uniform Controlled Dangerous Substances Law (EN SEE FISC NOTE GF EX See Note) more...
Act 63     HB692     JACKSON-ANDREWS ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE PERMT:  Provides exemptions to citizenship and residency requirements for certain alcohol beverage permits more...
Act 64     HB724     PRICE CREDIT/UNIONS:  Provides relative to deposits payable upon the depositor's death more...
Act 65     HB755     ABRAMSON SUNSET LAW:  Re-creates the Department of Revenue (EN NO IMPACT GF EX See Note) more...
Act 66     HB812     SCHRODER PUBLIC BLDGS/GROUNDS-ST:  Provides relative to maximizing the use of available office space in state buildings (EN SEE FISC NOTE GF EX See Note) more...
Act 67     HB616     CAMERON HENRY APPROPRIATIONS:  Appropriates funds for the expenses of the judiciary for Fiscal Year 2016-2017 more...
Act 68     HB816     TALBOT INSURANCE/HEALTH:  Provide relative to certificates of creditable coverage more...
Act 69     HB847     HILFERTY CULTURE/REC/TOUR DEPT:  Provides relative to the administrative responsibility of the Department of Culture, Recreation and Tourism for the New Orleans City Park Improvement Association. more...
Act 70     HB867     LEOPOLD AGRICULTURE:  Provides relative to the placement of advertisement signs on state-owned property more...
Act 71     HB909     ANDERS BOARDS/COMMISSIONS:  Provides with respect to limitation of terms of members of boards and commissions more...
Act 72     HB932     DAVIS INSURERS/AGENTS:  Provides relative to certain exemptions from the continuing education requirements for producers more...
Act 73     SB28     PERRY MUNICIPALITIES:  Provides relative to the qualifications of the chief of police for the town of Gueydan. (8/1/16) more...
Act 74     SB144     MARTINY BANKS/BANKING:  Provides relative to state banks' accounting for immovable property. (8/1/16) more...
Act 75     SB145     MARTINY FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS:  Repeals certain provisions of the Sale of Checks and Money Transmission Act. (8/1/16) more...
Act 76     SB469     ERIC LAFLEUR CLERKS OF COURT:  Provides for cancellation of judgments in favor of the state. (8/1/16) more...
Act 77     HB1049     BARRAS LEGISLATIVE EXPENSES:  Makes appropriations for the expenses of the legislature for FY 2016-2017 more...
Act 78     HB26     MONTOUCET RETIREMENT/FIREFIGHTERS:  Provides relative to appeals of certain disability eligibility decisions in the Firefighters' Retirement System (EN DECREASE APV) more...
Act 79     HB38     MONTOUCET RETIREMENT/FIREFIGHTERS:  Provides relative to reenrollment in the Firefighters' Retirement System by employees covered by Social Security (EN NO IMPACT APV) more...
Act 80     HB107     WILLMOTT LEGISLATION:  Provides for technical corrections to provisions of the La. Revised Statutes as necessary for conformity with the Safe Haven Law more...
Act 81     HB175     HILFERTY CHILDREN/CARE:  Provides for requirements for training early learning center employees on recognizing and preventing shaken baby syndrome (EN NO IMPACT See Note) more...
Act 82     HB190     CONNICK EVIDENCE:  Provides with respect to the disposition of sensitive criminal evidence more...
Act 83     HB230     P.SMITH VOTERS/VOTING:  Provides relative to early voting days interrupted by a holiday (EN INCREASE GF EX See Note) more...
Act 84     HB237     WILLMOTT CHILDREN/NEWBORNS:  Provides for an official symbol to identify emergency care facilities designated in the Safe Haven Law more...
Act 85     HB249     CARMODY UTILITIES:  Provides relative to the regulation of regional notification centers more...
Act 86     HB269     GREGORY MILLER SUCCESSIONS:  Provides with respect to successions and donations more...
Act 87     HB272     P.SMITH ETHICS:  Allows a public servant to accept complimentary admission to a fundraising event held by or for the benefit of certain educational institutions or programs, excluding professional, semi-professional, or collegiate sporting events more...
Act 88     HB288     GAROFALO CIVIL/PROCEDURE:  Provides with respect to release of judicial mortgages from property acquired in bankruptcy proceeding more...
Act 89     HB289     GAROFALO CORPORATIONS:  Provides with respect to a corporation's juridical personality at the termination of corporate existence more...
Act 90     HB475     HOFFMANN CHILDREN/DCFS:  Provides for the organization of the Department of Children and Family Services (EN SEE FISC NOTE GF EX See Note) more...
Act 91     SB432     PETERSON SCHOOLS:  Provides for return of certain RSD schools to the transferring school board. (gov sig) (EN DECREASE SG EX See Note) more...
Act 92     HB70     TERRY BROWN COURTS:  Provides for a mayor's court in the village of Creola more...
Act 93     SB2     PEACOCK RETIREMENT SYSTEMS:  Authorizes payments funded by state systems' experience accounts to certain retirees and beneficiaries. (2/3 - CA10s29(F)) (6/30/16) (EN INCREASE APV) more...
Act 94     SB5     PEACOCK RETIREMENT SYSTEMS:  Provides for the payment of certain system administrative expenses. (6/10/16) (EN NO IMPACT APV) more...
Act 95     SB18     PEACOCK RETIREMENT SYSTEMS:  Provides for actuarial determinations and application of funds. (6/30/16) (EN NO IMPACT APV) more...
Act 96     SB271     FRED MILLS PHARMACISTS:  Provides for medical marijuana. (See Act) (RE1 SEE FISC NOTE GF EX See Note) more...
Act 97     HB386     HOFFMANN ABORTION:  Extends the mandatory waiting period between certain required pre-abortion procedures and the performance of an abortion more...
Act 98     HB488     JACKSON-ANDREWS ABORTION:  Provides relative to qualifications of physicians who perform elective abortions more...
Act 99     HB17     PEARSON RETIREMENT/MUNICIPAL EMP:  Relative to the Municipal Employees' Retirement System, to authorize the Louisiana Local Government Environmental Facilities and Community Development Authority to participate in the system (EN NO IMPACT APV) more...
Act 100     HB177     FOIL BOARDS/COMMISSIONS:  Provides relative to the Louisiana Naval War Memorial Commission more...
Act 101     HB193     HUNTER CIVIL/PROCEDURE:  Provides with respect to legislative continuance in civil cases more...
Act 102     HB212     DAVIS CHILDREN/SUPPORT:  Requires employers to report pending lump-sum payments to employees to appropriate enforcement agencies more...
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