House Committee on House and Governmental Affairs
May 21, 2014
9:30 a.m.
Room 2


  BLUE = already considered.   RED = currently being considered.   BLACK = not yet considered.
 **Click on an instrument for additional information.  Click on an author for the author's home page.




 HR1MORENOCRIMINAL/SENTENCING - Directs the House Committee on Administration of Criminal Justice to evaluate the use of solitary confinement in La.
 HR3LEGERHOUSE/RULES - Revises terminology in House Rules referring to persons with disabilities and other persons with exceptionalities
 HR10T.LANDRYTRANSPORTATION DEPT - Requests the House Committee on Transportation to study the Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development's Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Program to determine if the department's contracting activities are in line with the program's objectives based on local market place conditions
 HR84BARROWADMIN LAW/DIVISION - Requests the House Committee on House and Governmental Affairs to examine the structure, functions, duties, and authority of the division of administrative law
 HR113LOPINTOHOUSE/RULES - Authorizes a committee member to abstain from voting under certain circumstances
 HCR147BROADWATERVOTERS/VOTING - Provides for a study of voting technology, processes, and procedures
 HCR155N.LANDRYANIMALS/HORSES - Requests study to evaluate the need for laws and regulations relative to the riding of horses on public roads
 SB1CLAITORCOLLEGES/UNIVERSITIES - Enacts the "Legislative Scholarship Fairness Act" (gov sig)
 SB132MORRELLGAMING - Provides relative to the certain records held by the Board of Gaming Control. (8/1/14)
 SB134J.AMEDEEETHICS - Provides relative to the Board of Ethics and Ethics Adjudicatory Board enforcement authority. (8/1/14)
 SB470MARTINYCONFIRMATION - Provides for time of reconfirmation for persons appointed to certain boards and commissions. (gov sig)
 SB524WALSWORTHEARLY CHILDHOOD ED - Provides for transfer of the lead agency for the Child Care and Development Fund Block Grant and the transfer of oversight and administration of licensing and regulation of early learning centers from the Department of Children and Family Services to the Department of Education. (See Act) (EN SEE FISC NOTE GF EX See Note)
 SB573CHABERTPUBLIC TRANSPORTATION - Creates the office of multimodal commerce in the Department of Transportation and Development. (See Act) (RR1 SEE FISC NOTE GF EX)
 HCR168LORUSSOSANITARY CODE - Creates a study committee to study and make recommendations with respect to the implementation of the Food Safety Modernization Act
 HCR170T.BURNSADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURE - Directs state agencies to consider certain provider impact issues and to issue certain provider impact statements prior to the adoption, amendment, or repeal of rules
 SB303J.AMEDEEETHICS - Provides relative to the Code of Governmental Ethics. (gov sig)
 SB446BUFFINGTONPUBLIC RECORDS - Provides relative to public records. (gov sig)

 Adopt committee minutes from 2013 Regular Session