Senate Daily Digest
May 4, 2015
4:00 pm
Senate Chamber


PDF Daily Digest

  BLUE = already considered.   RED = currently being considered.   BLACK = not yet considered.
 **Click on an instrument for additional information.  Click on an author for the author's home page.


Senate Resolutions 2nd Reading
 SR75BROOMECOMMENDATIONS - Commends Shirley Lee Davis Holliday upon the occasion of her seventieth birthday.

Senate Concurrent Resolutions 2nd Reading
 SCR65LONGCOMMENDATIONS - Commends Pat Collins on being named to the 2015 Louisiana Sports Hall of Fame Induction Class.
 SCR66CHABERTFISH/FISHING - Memorializes Congress to take action against illegal, unreported, and unregulated fishing in Louisiana's sovereign waters by passing H.R. 774, the Illegal, Unreported, and Unregulated Fishing Enforcement Act of 2015.

Senate Concurrent Resolutions 2nd Reading Subject to Call
 SCR33DORSEY-COLOMBCOMMENDATIONS - Commends the Public Administration Institute Student Association (PAISA) at Louisiana State University and to recognize April 13, 2015, as the seventeenth annual PAISA Day at the Louisiana Legislature.

House Bills on Second Reading to be Referred
 HB26GREGORY MILLERPROPERTY/SUBSTANDARD - Provides with respect to powers of the governing authority of St. Charles Parish relative to grass cutting
 HB95RICHARDDISTRICTS/TAXING - Creates the Lafourche Arc Taxing District (EN +$619,500 LF RV See Note)
 HB123THIBAUTAUDITS/AUDITING - Provides relative to the threshold for certain audit requirements (EN DECREASE LF EX See Note)
 HB131BERTHELOTELECTIONS/RECALL - Provides that certain recalled elected officials are ineligible to become candidates in certain elections
 HB145BURFORDDISTRICTS/FIRE PROTECT - Authorizes DeSoto Parish Fire District No. 3 to collect a service charge on structures
 HB147MONTOUCETTAX/HOTEL OCCUPANCY - Authorizes the town of Duson to levy a hotel occupancy tax (EN +$56,092 LF RV See Note)
 HB155DANAHAYPROPERTY/PUBLIC - Authorizes the transfer of certain state property in Calcasieu Parish
 HB159HOFFMANNPHARMACISTS - Adds a fee at license renewal for pharmacists and pharmacies and dedicates proceeds to certain pharmacy education programs (EN INCREASE SG RV See Note)
 HB173T.LANDRYAGRICULTURE/SWEET POTATO - Modifies the disbursement amount of sweet potato tax money collected
 HB181TERRY BROWNSTUDENT/LOANS-SCHOLARSHP - Provides relative to student citizenship requirements for TOPS eligibility purposes (EN SEE FISC NOTE GF EX See Note)
 HB641M.GUILLORYGAMING - Provides relative to the central computer monitoring system for gaming regulation
 HB697ABRAMSONCIVIL/PROCEDURE - Provides relative to the origination and evidence of electronic obligations documents
 HB705BROADWATERSTUDENT/LOANS-SCHOLARSHP - Provides for technical corrections to TOPS

Senate Bills 3rd Reading and Final Passage
 SB117SMITHSEX OFFENSES - Provides relative to certain sex offenses. (8/1/15)
 SB134PEACOCKFAMILY LAW - Provides for parental authority of married persons, obligations of children, parents, and other ascendants, and provisional custody by mandate. (1/1/16) (EN NO IMPACT See Note)
 SB174BROOMEDOMESTIC VIOLENCE - Provides certain accommodations upon reasonable documentation presented by domestic abuse victims who lease residential dwellings. (8/1/15) (EN NO IMPACT See Note)
 SB237MURRAYCOURTS - Provides for the jurisdictional limitation of certain city courts and the authority of constables of the First and Second City Court of New Orleans and their deputies and provides for judicial building fund for the Civil District Court for the parish of Orleans. (gov sig) (EN SEE FISC NOTE LF)
 SB245ERDEYCHILDREN - Provides for the reasonable and prudent parent standard and for certain considerations in foster care case plans and licensing requirements. (gov sig) (EN +$3,080 GF EX See Note)
 SB264DORSEY-COLOMBCRIME/PUNISHMENT - Increases penalties for the illegal use of a tracking device. (gov sig)
 SB86PERRYETHICS - Provides relative to nepotism relating to school employees. (8/1/15)
 SB87PERRYETHICS - Provides exception from financial disclosure requirements for members of certain boards and commissions that do not earn compensation or per diem and provides exception to post service restrictions for certain contracts. (See Act)
 SB115FRED MILLSHEALTH CARE - Provides with respect to the practice of physician assistants. (gov sig)
 SB143FRED MILLSPHARMACISTS - Enacts Alison Neustrom Act and provides relative to prescribed marijuana for therapeutic uses and the development of rules and regulations by the Louisiana Board of Pharmacy and the Louisiana State Board of Medical Examiners. (gov sig)
 SB144DORSEY-COLOMBINSURANCE PREMIUMS - Requires insurance premium finance companies to cooperate with the Department of Insurance when insurance premiums are paid by an insurance premium finance company. (8/1/15)
 SB152LONGCONTRACTORS - Moves the regulation of home service contract providers from the Department of Insurance to the secretary of state. (See Act)
 SB156MARTINYENGINEERS - Provides for the qualifications of professional engineers. (8/1/15)
 SB158HEITMEIERMALPRACTICE - Requires the reporting of malpractice claims paid by insurers or self- insurers on behalf of certain health care providers in an annual report to the Senate and House committees on health and welfare. (gov sig)
 SB172MORRISHLIABILITY INSURANCE - Provide with respect to the Transportation Network Company Motor Vehicle Responsibility Law. (See Act)
 SB190CLAITORPUBLIC RECORDS - Provides relative to the records of the governor. (1/11/16)
 SB216MORRISHINSURANCE DEPARTMENT - Provides for the reorganization of the Louisiana Department of Insurance. (gov sig)
 SB243J.SMITHWARRANTIES - Provides relative to warranty repairs of motor vehicles. (8/1/15)
 SB273PERRYLIBRARIES - Repeals requirement that the one additional Vermilion Parish Library Board of Control member be subject to Senate confirmation. (8/1/15)

Senate Bills 3rd Reading and Final Passage Subject to Call
 SB13PEACOCKFIREFIGHTERS RETIREMENT - Provides benefits for members hired on or after January 1, 2016. (6/30/15) (RE DECREASE APV)
 SB66SMITHPUBLIC CONTRACTS - Extends time for ports to use the design-build method on certain construction projects. (8/1/15)
 SB151CORTEZPUBLIC CONTRACTS - Provides for payments, filing of sworn statements of amount due, and cancellation of statements of claim or privilege on DOTD contracts. (gov sig)
 SB162SMITHPUBLIC CONTRACTS - Authorizes construction management at risk pilot program. (8/1/15) (EN SEE FISC NOTE SD EX See Note)
 SB177ADLEYTAX/AD VALOREM - Constitutional amendment to add certain property tax exemptions and reductions and to provide with respect to tax credits associated with them; to dedicate the net state revenue increase to a Tax Credit Reduction Fund and provide for allocations from the fund; and to provide for appropriations to local tax authorities. (2/3-CA 13sl(A)) (EG -$597,000,000 LF RV See Note)
 SB217GALLOTPUBLIC BUILDINGS/GROUNDS - Authorizes the transfer of certain state property in Rapides and East Baton Rouge Parishes. (8/1/15)
 SB240ERIC LAFLEURPUBLIC LANDS - Provides for the exchange of school lands by the Avoyelles Parish School Board. (gov sig)