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Amendments to the LA Constitution of 1974
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Revised Statutes - Title 49
RS 49:1 Gulfward boundary
RS 49:2 Sovereignty over waters within boundaries
RS 49:3 Ownership of waters within boundaries
RS 49:3.1 Legislative intent and purpose
RS 49:4 Water boundary between Louisiana and Mississippi
RS 49:5 Penalty for interference with marks or buoys
RS 49:6 Gulfward boundary of coastal parishes
RS 49:21 Suits to prevent encroachment on state's rights
RS 49:22 Selection of special counsel
RS 49:23 Compensation of special counsel
RS 49:24 Jurisdiction of certain international organizations
RS 49:41 To 45 Repealed by Acts 1989, No. 662, 8, eff. July 7, 1989.
RS 49:46 Repealed by Acts 1976, No. 471, 3
RS 49:47 Council of State Governments
RS 49:48 Repealed by Acts 1976, No. 471, 3
RS 49:49 Division of local affairs or its successor; purpose, establishment, duties of director, submission of data, functions of division, administration of programs affecting community affairs and development, coordinating community developments, authorization f
RS 49:50 Repealed by Acts 1989, No. 662, 8, eff. July 7, 1989.
RS 49:61 Body of agreement
RS 49:71 Purpose
RS 49:72 Definitions
RS 49:73 Persons to whom applicable; exceptions
RS 49:74 Registration of lobbyists with the ethics board; compilation of information
RS 49:75 Reports and statements under oath
RS 49:76 Lobbyist expenditure reports
RS 49:77 Administration
RS 49:78 Enforcement
RS 49:78.1 Prohibited conduct; additional remedies; contract defeat or voidability
RS 49:111 Claims by persons indebted to state
RS 49:112 Claims against state prescribe in ten years
RS 49:113 Salaries and wages of employees illegally separated; off-set of wages earned in outside employment
RS 49:121 Name of board, department, or subdivisions; marking on boat or vehicle; Louisiana public license plates; exemptions
RS 49:122 Abbreviations
RS 49:123 Penalties
RS 49:124 Vehicles exempt
RS 49:125 Sale of surplus movable property at auction
RS 49:125.1 Electronic device; transfer
RS 49:126 Promotional stickers on public vehicles
RS 49:131 Board created; members
RS 49:132 Meetings; quorum
RS 49:133 Duties of board
RS 49:134 City of Baton Rouge, approval of board necessary for erection of state buildings
RS 49:135 State Capitol Complex; approval of construction
RS 49:136 Plaques and memorials
RS 49:141 Division of State Buildings; superintendent; duties
RS 49:145 Use of public buildings; discrimination
RS 49:146 Facilities to which public invited; discrimination
RS 49:148 Construction and design of state owned buildings; persons with disabilities
RS 49:148.1 Specifications for grounds, buildings and facilities
RS 49:148.2 Enforcement of Subpart
RS 49:148.3 Construction by political subdivisions, private enterprise
RS 49:148.4.1 State-owned buildings; suitable accommodation for breastfeeding and lactation
RS 49:149 Repealed by Acts 2022, No. 507, §3, eff. June 16, 2022.
RS 49:149.1 Repealed by Acts 2022, No. 507, §3, eff. June 16, 2022.
RS 49:149.2 Repealed by Acts 2022, No. 507, §3, eff. June 16, 2022.
RS 49:149.3 Repealed by Acts 2022, No. 507, §3, eff. June 16, 2022.
RS 49:149.4 Repealed by Acts 2022, No. 507, §3, eff. June 16, 2022.
RS 49:149.5 Repealed by Acts 2022, No. 507, §3, eff. June 16, 2022.
RS 49:149.21 Governor Sam Houston Jones Building, New Orleans
RS 49:149.22 William J. "Bill" Dodd Building, Baton Rouge
RS 49:149.23 Executive offices of the Department of Children and Family Services
RS 49:149.24 Justice Albert Tate, Jr. Building
RS 49:149.25 Judge Fred J. Cassibry Square, New Orleans
RS 49:149.25.1 Chief Justice Pascal F. Calogero, Jr. Courthouse
RS 49:149.26 Pike Hall, Jr., Courthouse, Shreveport
RS 49:149.27 Bobby Fletcher Agricultural Center, Covington
RS 49:149.28 State buildings; approval
RS 49:149.29 J.C. Willie Building
RS 49:149.30 Reverend Avery C. Alexander Academic Research Hospital
RS 49:149.31 Senator Chris Ullo Building
RS 49:149.32 Edgar G. "Sonny" Mouton, Jr. Sports and Entertainment Plaza
RS 49:149.33 Willie F. Hawkins Emergency Care Center
RS 49:149.34 Carl W. Aron Building
RS 49:149.35 J. Burton Angelle Building
RS 49:149.36 Governor P.B.S. Pinchback Building
RS 49:149.61 Rev. Avery C. Alexander Plaza
RS 49:149.62 A. Z. Young Park
RS 49:149.63 Michael C. Voisin Hatchery
RS 49:149.64 Reverend Dr. T.J. Jemison Memorial Statue, Baton Rouge
RS 49:149.65 Oscar James Dunn Memorial
RS 49:150.1 State capitol complex; allocation of space; maintenance; law enforcement officer and firefighter memorial; Gold Star Families monument
RS 49:150.2 Use of unlicensed motor vehicles within the state capitol complex
RS 49:151 State seal
RS 49:152 United States flag to be displayed
RS 49:153 State flag; when to be displayed
RS 49:153.1 POW/MIA flag; display over state capitol
RS 49:153.2 Flags flown at the state capitol
RS 49:153.3 Display of the flag of the Republic of Vietnam
RS 49:154 State flower
RS 49:154.1 State wildflower
RS 49:155 State song
RS 49:155.1 State march song
RS 49:155.2 State environmental song
RS 49:155.3 State musical instrument
RS 49:155.4 State judicial poem
RS 49:155.5 State Senate poem
RS 49:155.6 State cultural poem
RS 49:156 State emblem of military service; display over the state capitol
RS 49:157 State artist laureate
RS 49:158 Louisiana Day
RS 49:158.1 Native American Week
RS 49:158.2 Childhood Cancer Awareness Month
RS 49:159 State bird
RS 49:160 State tree
RS 49:160.1 State fruit tree
RS 49:160.2 State steam locomotive
RS 49:161 State colors
RS 49:161.1 State mammal
RS 49:162 State fossil
RS 49:163 State gemstone
RS 49:163.1 State mineral
RS 49:164 State insect
RS 49:164.1 State butterfly
RS 49:165 State dog
RS 49:166 State fruit
RS 49:167 State pledge of allegiance
RS 49:168 State crustacean
RS 49:169 State reptile
RS 49:169.1 State amphibian
RS 49:170 State drink
RS 49:170.1 Garden Week
RS 49:170.2 Official state "Christmas in the Country"
RS 49:170.3 Cajun and creole heritage
RS 49:170.4 State freshwater fish
RS 49:170.5 State painting
RS 49:170.6 State tartan
RS 49:170.7 State saltwater fish
RS 49:170.8 State jellies
RS 49:170.9 State meat pie
RS 49:170.10 Official state "Uncle Earl's Hog Dog Trials"
RS 49:170.11 State vegetable plant; state vegetable
RS 49:170.12 State cuisine
RS 49:170.13 Gateway to the Atchafalaya Basin; St. Mary Parish
RS 49:170.14 State song for the Hurricane Katrina and Hurricane Rita recovery effort; official state troubadour
RS 49:170.15 Gateway to Louisiana and America; Plaquemines Parish
RS 49:170.16 State symbol
RS 49:170.17 State boat
RS 49:170.18 Irish-American Heritage Month
RS 49:170.19 Folklife heritage
RS 49:170.20 Equine Capital of Louisiana; St. Landry Parish
RS 49:170.21 Thoroughbred Breeding Capital of Louisiana; St. Tammany Parish
RS 49:170.22 State nut
RS 49:170.23 Native Plant Month
RS 49:170.24 Louisiana Vietnam Veterans Memorial
RS 49:171 Poet laureate; creation
RS 49:172 Selection
RS 49:173 Term; duties; nomination; appointment
RS 49:181 State examinations; interpreters for the deaf and hard of hearing
RS 49:185 Governmental restriction of choice prohibited
RS 49:190 Definitions
RS 49:190.1 Termination dates of statutory entities
RS 49:191 Termination of legislative authority for existence of statutory entities; phase-out period for statutory entities; table of dates
RS 49:191.1 Termination of unfunded programs and Acts
RS 49:192 Re-creation of terminated entity; compliance
RS 49:193 Re-creation of terminated entity; procedure
RS 49:193.1 Selective review and evaluation for statutory entities
RS 49:194 Review and evaluation of statutory entities
RS 49:195 Termination date required to create or re-create a statutory entity
RS 49:196 Claims against or in favor of terminated entities
RS 49:197 Legislature may legislate otherwise
RS 49:198 Inapplicability to retirement systems
RS 49:199 Special provisions for entities with bonds outstanding
RS 49:200 State agency; stationery; definition
RS 49:200.1 State agencies; requests
RS 49:200.51 Public funding for abortion providers; prohibition
RS 49:201.1 Salary of acting governor
RS 49:201.2 Prohibition of Salary Increases
RS 49:202 Repealed by Acts 1995, No. 846, 4, eff. Jan. 8, 1996.
RS 49:202.1 Lieutenant governor; expenses
RS 49:203 Executive counsel to governor
RS 49:204 Secretary to the governor
RS 49:205 Repealed by Acts 2015, No. 241, §3.
RS 49:206 Temporary absence of governor and lieutenant governor, order of those who shall act as governor
RS 49:207 Repealed by Acts 1982, No. 747, 3
RS 49:208 Governor's mansion; use; vacation for governor-elect
RS 49:209 Appropriation for governor-elect; accounting
RS 49:210 Executive staff of governor; appearance on his behalf
RS 49:210.1 Repealed by Acts 2010, No. 774, §2, eff. June 30, 2010.
RS 49:210.2 Office of the coordinator of faith-based programs
RS 49:211 Commissions; formalities
RS 49:212 Authority of governor to obtain reports and information
RS 49:213 Authority of governor to establish office of civil rights
RS 49:213.1 Repealed by Acts 2009, No. 523, §8, eff. July 10, 2009.
RS 49:213.2 Repealed by Acts 2009, No. 523, §8, eff. July 10, 2009.
RS 49:213.3 Repealed by Acts 2009, No. 523, §8, eff. July 10, 2009.
RS 49:213.4 Repealed by Acts 2009, No. 523, §8, eff. July 10, 2009.
RS 49:213.5 Repealed by Acts 2009, No. 523, §8, eff. July 10, 2009.
RS 49:213.6 Repealed by Acts 2009, No. 523, §8, eff. July 10, 2009.
RS 49:213.7 Repealed by Acts 2009, No. 523, §8, eff. July 10, 2009.
RS 49:213.8 Repealed by Acts 2009, No. 523, §8, eff. July 10, 2009.
RS 49:213.9 Repealed by Acts 2009, No. 523, §8, eff. July 10, 2009.
RS 49:213.10 Repealed by Acts 2009, No. 523, §8, eff. July 10, 2009.
RS 49:213.11 Repealed by Acts 2009, No. 523, §8, eff. July 10, 2009.
RS 49:213.12 Repealed by Acts 2009, No. 523, §8, eff. July 10, 2009.
RS 49:213.21 Repealed by Acts 1989, No. 662, 8, eff. July 7, 1989.
RS 49:214.1 Purpose and intent
RS 49:214.2 Definitions
RS 49:214.3 Repealed by Acts 2009, No. 523, §8, eff. July 10, 2009.
RS 49:214.3.1 Governor's Executive Assistant for Coastal Activities
RS 49:214.4 Repealed by Acts 2009, No. 523, §8, eff. July 10, 2009.
RS 49:214.4.1 Governor's Advisory Commission on Coastal Protection, Restoration and Conservation
RS 49:214.4.2 America's WETLAND Trail
RS 49:214.5 Repealed by Acts 2009, No. 523, §8, eff. July 10, 2009.
RS 49:214.5.1 Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority
RS 49:214.5.2 Functions and responsibilities; Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority Board
RS 49:214.5.3 Coastal protection annual plans; development; priorities
RS 49:214.5.4 Funding and resource allocation
RS 49:214.5.5 Private property and public rights
RS 49:214.5.6 Measure of compensation; property taken for public purposes; venue
RS 49:214.5.7 Legal representation of the board; attorney general
RS 49:214.5.8 Certain activities on dunes prohibited; penalties; speed limits on beaches
RS 49:214.6 Repealed by Acts 2009, No. 523, §8, eff. July 10, 2009.
RS 49:214.6.1 Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority
RS 49:214.6.2 Functions and responsibilities; coastal activities
RS 49:214.6.3 Functions and responsibilities; hurricane protection and flood control
RS 49:214.6.4 Functions and responsibilities; continuation of certain flood control projects
RS 49:214.6.5 Hurricane protection and flood control activities; levees or levee drainage purposes; taking of property; compensation
RS 49:214.6.6 Infrastructure priority program; applications; evaluations
RS 49:214.6.7 Barrier islands, shoreline stabilization, and preservation
RS 49:214.6.8 Coastal Louisiana Levee Consortium; establishment; purposes
RS 49:214.6.9 Authority for integrated coastal protection surveying
RS 49:214.6.10 Hold harmless and cooperative landowner immunity
RS 49:214.7 Outcome-based performance contracts
RS 49:214.8 Repealed by Acts 2009, No. 523, §8, eff. July 10, 2009.
RS 49:214.8.1 Purpose
RS 49:214.8.2 Definitions
RS 49:214.8.3 Creation of program
RS 49:214.8.4 Powers and duties
RS 49:214.8.5 Capital improvement program
RS 49:214.8.6 Annual basin plan
RS 49:214.8.7 Repealed by Acts 2023, No. 345, §4, see Act.
RS 49:214.9 Repealed by Acts 2009, No. 523, §8, eff. July 10, 2009.
RS 49:214.10 Repealed by Acts 2009, No. 523, §8, eff. July 10, 2009.
RS 49:214.11 Repealed by Acts 2009, No. 523, §8, eff. July 10, 2009.
RS 49:214.12 Repealed by Acts 2009, No. 523, §8, eff. July 10, 2009.
RS 49:214.13 Repealed by Acts 2009, No. 523, §8, eff. July 10, 2009.
RS 49:214.14 Repealed by Acts 2009, No. 523, §8, eff. July 10, 2009.
RS 49:214.15 Repealed by Acts 2009, No. 523, §8, eff. July 10, 2009.
RS 49:214.16 Repealed by Acts 2009, No. 523, §8, eff. July 10, 2009.
RS 49:214.21 Short title
RS 49:214.22 Declaration of public policy
RS 49:214.23 Definitions
RS 49:214.24 Coastal zone boundary
RS 49:214.25 Types of uses
RS 49:214.26 Coastal management program; administration
RS 49:214.27 Coastal management programs; development; guidelines
RS 49:214.28 Local coastal management programs
RS 49:214.29 Special areas, projects, and programs
RS 49:214.30 Coastal use permits
RS 49:214.31 Existing authority of certain state departments and local governments retained
RS 49:214.32 Intergovernmental coordination and consistency
RS 49:214.33 Coordinated coastal permitting process
RS 49:214.34 Activities not requiring a coastal use permit
RS 49:214.35 Reconsiderations, judicial review
RS 49:214.36 Enforcement; injunction; penalties and fines
RS 49:214.37 Approval of rules, regulations, or guidelines
RS 49:214.38 Effect on titles
RS 49:214.39 Effective date
RS 49:214.40 Coastal Resources Trust Fund
RS 49:214.41 Mitigation of coastal wetlands losses
RS 49:214.42 Coastal Mitigation Account
RS 49:214.51 Repealed by Acts 2006, No. 548, §2, Oct 31, 2006.
RS 49:214.61 Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority; acquisition of property prior to judgment; definitions
RS 49:214.62 Vesting of mineral rights
RS 49:214.63 Contents of petition; place of filing
RS 49:214.64 Prayer of the petition; ex parte order of taking
RS 49:214.65 Vesting of title
RS 49:214.66 Notice to defendant
RS 49:214.67 Contesting validity of taking; waiver of defenses
RS 49:214.68 Defendant's answer; requirements; delay for filing
RS 49:214.69 Effect of appellate proceedings
RS 49:214.70 Grant as additional authority
RS 49:215 Executive orders; procedures; limitations
RS 49:216 Interstate compact for border security; deterence of unlawful entry into this state; procedures; assistance; approval; purposes; legislative findings
RS 49:219 Repealed by Acts 1989, No. 662, 8, eff. July 7, 1989.
RS 49:219.1 Policy and purpose
RS 49:219.2 Drug Policy Board; establishment; membership; selection; terms; compensation; organization; domicile; procedure
RS 49:219.3 Powers, duties, and functions; staffing; funding
RS 49:219.4 Assistance and cooperation of other agencies; boards; use of facilities
RS 49:219.5 Advisory Council on Heroin and Opioid Prevention and Education
RS 49:220.1 Repealed by Acts 2006, 1st Ex. Sess., No. 5, §4, eff. June 30, 2016; Acts 2008, No. 831, §5, changed the repeal date to July 1, 2010.
RS 49:220.2 Repealed by Acts 2006, 1st Ex. Sess., No. 5, §4, eff. June 30, 2016; Acts 2008, No. 831, §5, changed the repeal date to July 1, 2010.
RS 49:220.3 Repealed by Acts 2006, 1st Ex. Sess., No. 5, §4, eff. June 30, 2016; Acts 2008, No. 831, §5, changed the repeal date to July 1, 2010.
RS 49:220.4 Repealed by Acts 2006, 1st Ex. Sess., No. 5, §4, eff. June 30, 2016; Acts 2008, No. 831, §5, changed the repeal date to July 1, 2010.
RS 49:220.5 Repealed by Acts 2006, 1st Ex. Sess., No. 5, §4, eff. June 30, 2016; Acts 2008, No. 831, §5, changed the repeal date to July 1, 2010.
RS 49:220.6 Repealed by Acts 2006, 1st Ex. Sess., No. 5, §4, eff. June 30, 2016; Acts 2008, No. 831, §5, changed the repeal date to July 1, 2010.
RS 49:220.7 Repealed by Acts 2006, 1st Ex. Sess., No. 5, §4, eff. June 30, 2016; Acts 2008, No. 831, §5, changed the repeal date to July 1, 2010.
RS 49:220.8 Emergency rental assistance
RS 49:220.10 Claims of certain Road Home Program applicants
RS 49:220.21 Office of the state inspector general; policy and purpose
RS 49:220.22 Office of the state inspector general; creation; domicile; funding
RS 49:220.23 State inspector general; appointment; term; vacancy; compensation; removal
RS 49:220.24 Authority; duties; powers; standards; functions
RS 49:220.25 Confidentiality of certain records
RS 49:220.26 Reserve investigators
RS 49:220.31 Purpose
RS 49:220.32 Rural Water Infrastructure Committee; creation and organization
RS 49:220.33 Functions; recommendations
RS 49:220.41 Chief resilience officer; purpose; definition
RS 49:220.42 Functions and duties
RS 49:220.43 Statewide resilience report
RS 49:220.44 State agency resilience officers
RS 49:220.45 Interagency Resilience Coordination Team
RS 49:220.46 Louisiana Resilience Task Force
RS 49:221.1 Designees; powers
RS 49:222 Fees chargeable by secretary of state
RS 49:223 No extra compensation for copying laws passed by legislature
RS 49:224 Authority to administer oaths
RS 49:225 Service upon secretary of state; fee; exception
RS 49:226 Overpayment of fees
RS 49:227 Office of the Uniform Commercial Code
RS 49:228 Direct computer access to certain public records; fee
RS 49:229 Office of GeauxBiz
RS 49:229.1 Repealed by Acts 2006, No. 713, §4, eff. July 1, 2006.
RS 49:251.1 Justice of the peace training course
RS 49:251.2 Authority to designate representative
RS 49:251.3 Contractual attorney's fees; affidavit
RS 49:251.4 Attorney General's Arrest Warrants Course for Justices of the Peace
RS 49:252 Biennial report
RS 49:253 Attendance at sessions of legislature
RS 49:254 Records
RS 49:255 Suits involving title to land of the state or its agencies; federal actions against any registrar of voters or of his assistants or employees
RS 49:256 Attorney general
RS 49:257 Legal representation of certain state agencies
RS 49:258 Procurement of private contractual legal services for state agencies
RS 49:259 Department of Justice Legal Support Fund
RS 49:260 Department of Justice Occupational Licensing Review Program
RS 49:302 Repealed by Acts 1995, No. 846, 4, eff. Jan. 8, 1996.
RS 49:303 Seal
RS 49:304 Residence
RS 49:305 Bond
RS 49:306 Authority to administer oaths
RS 49:307 Duties in general
RS 49:307.1 Attendance at meetings; representation
RS 49:308 State funds; deposit in state treasury; exceptions; lock box services; reports
RS 49:308.1 Comprehensive Capital Outlay Budget Acts Interest Earnings Account
RS 49:308.2 Repealed by Acts 1994, 3rd Ex. Sess., No. 37, 1.
RS 49:308.3 Special funds and dedication of money
RS 49:308.4 Use of funds on deposit; repayment to special funds
RS 49:308.5 Legislative review and recommendation on special funds and dedication of money
RS 49:308.6 State government fees for services and activities; cost recovery
RS 49:309 Endorsement of warrants
RS 49:310 Payments
RS 49:311 Access to books of other state offices
RS 49:312 Assistant treasurer; duties, oath and bond
RS 49:313 Assistant treasurer; salary
RS 49:314 Withdrawals
RS 49:315 Operating bank accounts
RS 49:316 Bank charges
RS 49:316.1 Payments by treasury approved credit cards, debit cards, and other forms of electronic payments; authorizations; contracts; fees
RS 49:316.2 Payments for electronic signatures; authorizations; fees
RS 49:317 Designation of state depositories
RS 49:318 Warrants to be issued for unexpended balances or receipts
RS 49:319 State depositories; definitions
RS 49:320 Fiscal agent banks for deposit of funds to be selected by Interim Emergency Board
RS 49:320.1 Notification upon opening banking accounts
RS 49:320.2 Classification of revenues; escrow funds; reports of escrow funds and agency accounts
RS 49:321 Security for deposit of funds; checks and drafts of departments
RS 49:321.1 Treasury securities lending
RS 49:322 Possession or control of securities pledged and securities acquired through repurchase agreements
RS 49:323 State depositing authorities not responsible for funds deposited
RS 49:324 Approval of vouchers; political subdivisions
RS 49:325 State treasurer may invest in certain federal bonds
RS 49:325.1 State treasurer may invest in or purchase certain local bonds or certificates of indebtedness
RS 49:326 Federal bonds and debentures as security for public funds; investments of funds
RS 49:326.1 Small Business Administration secured loans as security for public funds; investments of funds
RS 49:327 Authorized investments; maturity; interest rates
RS 49:327.1 Linked deposit program for low-interest agricultural production loans
RS 49:327.2 Linked deposit program for low-interest agricultural product processing loans
RS 49:328 Repealed by Acts 1992, No. 984, 18.
RS 49:329 Nominee name for the Louisiana Education Quality Trust Fund, also known as the "Kevin P. Reilly, Sr. Louisiana Education Quality Trust Fund"
RS 49:330 Mineral Income Advisory Committee; mineral revenue contracts by state treasurer
RS 49:331 Couriers of public funds; fidelity bond
RS 49:341 Findings and determinations
RS 49:342 Definitions
RS 49:343 Grant of authority
RS 49:461 Suits against ministerial officers or in which state is interested, including Federal Power Commission
RS 49:462 Dismissal of improper suits
RS 49:463 Amenability of ministerial officers
RS 49:464 Attorney for state board or institution
RS 49:465 Members of Public Service Commission and Louisiana Tax Commission
RS 49:652 Appointment of collector; term; compensation
RS 49:653 Charitable gaming regulation
RS 49:654 Access to criminal history records
RS 49:662 Definitions
RS 49:663 Report of plans for participation in federal assistance programs; review and comments; records of application submitted to the division of administration; review, comment, and analysis by the federal review section of the division of administration; gener
RS 49:663.1 Community Development Block Grant
RS 49:663.2 Local government assistance
RS 49:664 Reports of action by federal agency; records
RS 49:665 Federal review section of the division of administration; creation; assistant commissioner; functions
RS 49:666 Repealed by Acts 1981, No. 674, 2
RS 49:667 Repealed by Acts 2012, No. 251, §10.
RS 49:668 Repealed by Acts 1978, No. 724, 1, eff. Oct. 1, 1978
RS 49:671 Purpose
RS 49:672 Definition
RS 49:673 Discrimination prohibited
RS 49:674 Monitoring to ensure compliance
RS 49:701 Repealed by Acts 1972, No. 687, §1
RS 49:801 To 810 Repealed by Acts 1987, No. 751, 1.
RS 49:852 Statement of policy
RS 49:853 Definitions
RS 49:854 Emergency interim successors for state officers
RS 49:855 Formalities of taking office
RS 49:856 Period in which authority may be exercised
RS 49:857 Removal of designees
RS 49:858 Disputes
RS 49:902 Definitions
RS 49:903 Authority of the governor to require information
RS 49:951 Definitions
RS 49:952 Construction and effect; judicial cognizance
RS 49:953 Louisiana Administrative Code and Louisiana Register; publication; distribution; copies; index; interagency rules
RS 49:953.1 Redesignated as R.S. 49:962 by Acts 2022, No. 663, §1.
RS 49:954 Exemptions from provisions of Chapter
RS 49:954.1 Redesignated as R.S. 49:953 by Acts 2022, No. 663, §1.
RS 49:954.2 Repealed by Acts 2004, No. 220, §1.
RS 49:954.3 Redesignated as R.S. 49:963.1 by Acts 2022, No. 663, §1.
RS 49:955 Application of Chapter to rules and fees
RS 49:956 Public information; adoption of rules; availability of rules and orders
RS 49:956.1 Redesignated as R.S. 49:975.2 by Acts 2022, No. 663, §1.
RS 49:957 Internet publication of certain information concerning proposed rules and fees; information required to be published; manner of publication; deadlines
RS 49:958 Redesignated as R.S. 49:977 by Acts 2022, No. 663, §1.
RS 49:959 Redesignated as R.S. 49:977.1 by Acts 2022, No. 663, §1.
RS 49:960 Redesignated as R.S. 49:977.2 by Acts 2022, No. 663, §1.
RS 49:961 Procedure for adoption of rules
RS 49:962 Emergency rulemaking
RS 49:962.1 Redesignated as R.S. 49:978 by Acts 2022, No. 663, §1.
RS 49:963 Department of Environmental Quality; procedure for adoption of rules
RS 49:963.1 Environmental Regulatory Code
RS 49:964 Public request for the adoption, amendment, or repeal of a rule; agency rule review
RS 49:964.1 Redesignated as R.S. 49:978.2 by Acts 2022, No. 663, §1.
RS 49:965 Filing; taking effect of rules
RS 49:965.1 Redesignated as R.S. 49:980 by Acts 2022, No. 663, §1.
RS 49:965.2 Short title
RS 49:965.3 Intent; legislative findings
RS 49:965.4 Definitions
RS 49:965.5 Economic impact statements
RS 49:965.6 Regulatory flexibility analysis
RS 49:965.7 Conflicts of law
RS 49:965.8 Notification
RS 49:966 Review of agency rules; fees
RS 49:967 Review of rules relative to state content standards; elementary and secondary education
RS 49:967.1 Redesignated as R.S. 49:955 by Acts 2022, No. 663, §1.
RS 49:968 Judicial review of validity or applicability of rules
RS 49:968.1 Redesignated as R.S. 49:967 by Acts 2022, No. 663, §1.
RS 49:969 Legislative veto, amendment, or suspension of rules, regulations, and fees
RS 49:970 Gubernatorial suspension or veto of rules and regulations
RS 49:971 Rejection of agency fee adoption, increases, or decreases; prohibition against fee increases and new fees; exceptions
RS 49:972 Family impact statement; issues to be considered; procedure; penalty
RS 49:973 Poverty impact statement; issues to be considered; procedure
RS 49:974 Redesignated as R.S. 49:957 by Acts 2022, No. 663, §1.
RS 49:974.1 Short title
RS 49:974.2 Intent; legislative findings
RS 49:974.3 Definitions
RS 49:974.4 Small business economic impact statements; potpourri notices
RS 49:974.5 Regulatory flexibility analysis
RS 49:974.6 Conflicts of law
RS 49:974.7 Notification
RS 49:974.8 Small business advocate; posting of rules
RS 49:975 Adjudication; notice; hearing; records
RS 49:975.1 Rules of evidence; official notice; oaths and affirmations; subpoenas; depositions and discovery; confidential privileged information
RS 49:975.2 Administrative proceedings; member of the legislature or personnel as witness
RS 49:976 Examination of evidence by agency
RS 49:977 Decisions and orders
RS 49:977.1 Rehearings
RS 49:977.2 Ex parte consultations and recusations
RS 49:977.3 Licenses
RS 49:977.4 Declaratory orders and rulings
RS 49:978 Judicial review; rule to show cause for permit applicants
RS 49:978.1 Judicial review of adjudication
RS 49:978.2 Judicial review; attorney fees; court costs; report
RS 49:978.3 Redesignated as R.S. 49:974.3 by Acts 2022, No. 663, §1.
RS 49:978.4 Redesignated as R.S. 49:974.4 by Acts 2022, No. 663, §1.
RS 49:978.5 Redesignated as R.S. 49:974.5 by Acts 2022, No. 663, §1.
RS 49:978.6 Redesignated as R.S. 49:974.6 by Acts 2022, No. 663, §1.
RS 49:978.7 Redesignated as R.S. 49:974.7 by Acts 2022, No. 663, §1.
RS 49:978.8 Redesignated as R.S. 49:974.8 by Acts 2022, No. 663, §1.
RS 49:979 Appeals
RS 49:980 Expenses of administrative proceedings; right to recover
RS 49:981 Continuous revision under supervision of division of administration, Office of the State Register
RS 49:982 New regulation; incorporation in Louisiana Register and Louisiana Administrative Code; resolution of conflicting rules
RS 49:983 Incorporation of current rules and regulations procedure
RS 49:984 Alphabetical or numerical sequence of laws
RS 49:985 Submitting copy to the proper party
RS 49:986 Filing of copy with commissioner of administration; certificate of correctness; printing
RS 49:987 Printing and publication of Louisiana Register; proof of certified edition
RS 49:991 Creation of division of administrative law
RS 49:992 Applicability; exemptions; attorney fees; court costs
RS 49:992.1 Applicability; ethics complaints
RS 49:992.2 Repealed by Acts 2021, No. 4, §3, eff. Jan. 1, 2022.
RS 49:993 Definitions; rules
RS 49:994 Administrative law judges
RS 49:995 Director
RS 49:996 Duties of the director
RS 49:997 Program of judicial evaluation
RS 49:998 Prehearing conference
RS 49:999 Disqualification and withdrawal of administrative law judge
RS 49:999.1 Contract for adjudication services; other governmental entities
RS 49:999.21 Suspension and ultimate revocation of license or permit; felony conviction
RS 49:999.22 Enforcing authority; initiation of action
RS 49:999.23 Hearing before the issuing agency
RS 49:999.24 Revocation
RS 49:999.25 Additional ground or cause
RS 49:1001 Definitions
RS 49:1002 Applicability
RS 49:1005 Use of certified laboratories for drug testing of samples collected
RS 49:1006 Repealed by Acts 2004, No. 901, §2, eff. July 12, 2004.
RS 49:1007 Repealed by Acts 2004, No. 901, §2, eff. July 12, 2004.
RS 49:1008 Repealed by Acts 2004, No. 901, §2, eff. July 12, 2004.
RS 49:1011 Employee drug testing; rights of the employee
RS 49:1012 Employee drug testing; responsibility of employer
RS 49:1015 Public employee drug testing
RS 49:1016 Employment discrimination; physician recommended marijuana
RS 49:1021 Random drug tests; commissioner of administration
RS 49:1052 Definitions
RS 49:1053 Louisiana Geographic Information Systems Council; creation; membership; quorum; domicile
RS 49:1054 Duties of the Louisiana Geographic Information Systems Council
RS 49:1054.1 Duties of the Louisiana Geographic Information Center
RS 49:1055 Staff of the council; cooperation by departments and local units of government
RS 49:1056 Reports
RS 49:1057 Receipt of donations and grants
RS 49:1061 Data sharing review
RS 49:1101 Naming state statutory entities, agencies, departments, offices, or budget units
RS 49:1102 Repealed by Acts 1983, No. 687, 7.
RS 49:1111 Legislative findings
RS 49:1112 Commission established; purposes; membership; officers
RS 49:1113 Commission committees
RS 49:1114 Commission meetings; attendance; quorum
RS 49:1115 Commission duties and responsibilities
RS 49:1116 Commission staff
RS 49:1117 Contractual agreements
RS 49:1118 Agency cooperation
RS 49:1119 Funding sources
RS 49:1120 State laws applicable
RS 49:1121 Repealed by Acts 2012, No. 553, §4.
RS 49:1122 Termination of the commission
RS 49:1131 Litter abatement, reduction, and control
RS 49:1132 Definitions
RS 49:1133 Litter control awareness
RS 49:1134 Donations and grants; Louisiana Litter Abatement Grant Program
RS 49:1135 Removal of litter; responsibility
RS 49:1136 Anti-litter campaign; industrial and civic cooperation requested
RS 49:1137 Adopt-a-beach program
RS 49:1138 Community improvement program
RS 49:1139 Beach sweep program
RS 49:1140 Inland water cleanup
RS 49:1141 Boaters' and fishermen's pledge
RS 49:1142 Adopt-a-byway program
RS 49:1143 Adopt-a-waterbody program
RS 49:1211 Legislative findings
RS 49:1212 Louisiana Council on the Success of Black Men and Boys; creation; domicile; membership
RS 49:1213 Council; powers and duties
RS 49:1221 Legislative findings
RS 49:1222 Latino Commission; creation; domicile; membership
RS 49:1223 Powers and duties
RS 49:1301 Commissioner of administration; duties; sunset review of boards, commissions, and like entities
RS 49:1302 Website; content
RS 49:1303 Submission of notices and minutes
RS 49:1304 Submission of other information
RS 49:1305 Applicability
RS 49:1305.1 Additional limited applicability of Chapter; notices of meetings only; duties of the commissioner
RS 49:1306 Rules and regulations
RS 49:1307 Legislative auditor
RS 49:1308 Internet publication of certain information concerning permits and licenses; information required to be published; manner of publication
RS 49:1401 Short title
RS 49:1402 Definition of terms
RS 49:1403 Reports
RS 49:1501 Short title
RS 49:1502 Definitions
RS 49:1503 Prohibitions on use and testing of central bank digital currency
RS 49:1504 Permitted uses of digital assets
RS 49:1505 Permitted uses of home digital asset mining; exceptions
RS 49:1506 Node operating; home digital asset mining; exceptions; liability
RS 49:1507 Ownership of digital asset mining business by prohibited foreign-party- controlled business; prohibited

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