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Amendments to the LA Constitution of 1974
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Revised Statutes - Title 40
RS 40:1 TITLE 40PUBLIC HEALTH AND SAFETY Assistant secretary
RS 40:2 State health officer
RS 40:3 State health officer; powers
RS 40:3.1 Confidentiality of public health investigations; prohibited disclosure and discovery; civil penalties
RS 40:4 Sanitary Code
RS 40:4.1 Cochon de lait; preparation in traditional manner
RS 40:4.2 Jambalaya; preparation in traditional manner
RS 40:4.3 Hard- and soft-shell crabs; preparation in traditional manner for public consumption
RS 40:4.4 Italian food; preparation in traditional manner for public consumption
RS 40:4.5 Exemptions
RS 40:4.6 Exemption; benefits for zoos
RS 40:4.7 New Orleans Jazz and Heritage Festival
RS 40:4.8 Voluntary sanitary inspections of food booths
RS 40:4.9 Low-risk foods; preparation in home for public consumption
RS 40:4.9.1 Louisiana Small Wild Catfish Processor's Act; preparation for direct sale to the consuming public
RS 40:4.10 Public notice of infectious medical waste storage by landowner
RS 40:4.11 Community-type sewage systems and public water systems; permits
RS 40:4.12 Water distribution in certain facilities
RS 40:4.13 Repealed
RS 40:4.14 Not-for-profit entity or charitable organization; receipt or use of certain meats or fish in food or meal distribution
RS 40:4.15 Minimum disinfectant residual level of free or total chlorine throughout public water systems; rules and regulations; reporting
RS 40:4.16 Water systems; iron and manganese control
RS 40:5 General powers and jurisdiction
RS 40:5.1 Sanitation; inspection of railroad property
RS 40:5.2 Limitations
RS 40:5.3 Molluscan shellfish sanitation requirements; opening and closing of molluscan shellfish growing areas; adoption of guidelines to regulate molluscan shellfish industry; authority to collect samples for bacteriological analysis; testing of oysters; Calcasie
RS 40:5.3.1 Repealed by Acts 2011, No. 1, ยง2, eff. on May 20, 2011.
RS 40:5.4 Testing of private water wells
RS 40:5.5 Sanitary inspections of certain restaurants; food safety certificates
RS 40:5.5.1 Food service establishments; self-service buffets
RS 40:5.5.2 Seafood safety
RS 40:5.5.3 Seafood Safety Task Force; creation; purpose
RS 40:5.5.4 Imported crawfish and shrimp; notice to patrons of food service establishments required
RS 40:5.6 Safe drinking water; inspections and tests; cost
RS 40:5.6.1 Safe drinking water; pilot program for water testing at schools; reporting; termination
RS 40:5.7 Sanitary inspections of individual, privately owned water wells; fees
RS 40:5.8 Definitions
RS 40:5.9 Enforcement of drinking water regulations; administrative compliance orders; civil actions; receiverships
RS 40:5.9.1 Community water system accountability process; creation of letter grade schedule; penalties for failing systems
RS 40:5.9.2 Community water system accountability; federal funds
RS 40:5.10 Oyster Sanitation Dedicated Fund Account
RS 40:5.10.1 Imported Seafood Safety Fund
RS 40:5.11 Water fluoridation program
RS 40:5.12 Cancer investigation and intervention
RS 40:6 Penalties for violation of state Sanitary Code
RS 40:7 Communicable disease epidemic; procedure
RS 40:8 Investigations; entry on and inspection of premises; order to compel attendance of witnesses or production of documents
RS 40:9 Arrests for violations
RS 40:9.1 Repealed by Acts 1987, No. 927, 1.
RS 40:10 Preparation for emergency
RS 40:11 Distribution of funds to parish health units or departments
RS 40:12 Parish health units
RS 40:13 Expenses of parish health units
RS 40:14 Parish health units; jurisdiction
RS 40:15 Quarantine by parish health officer
RS 40:16 Parish health units to act in harmony with state health officer
RS 40:16.1 Proceeds of any sale of the state facilities owned by the Louisiana Department of Health, office of behavioral health
RS 40:16.2 Repealed by Acts 2018, No. 612, ยง22, eff. July 1, 2020.
RS 40:16.3 John J. Hainkel, Jr., Home and Rehabilitation Center; lease
RS 40:16.4 Louisiana Department of Health's Facility Support Fund Number 2
RS 40:17 Mandatory medical examination; confinement; when allowed; emergency certificate
RS 40:18 Communicable disease; isolation and report to state health officer; quarantine
RS 40:19 Domicile of parish health unit
RS 40:20 Appointment of parish health officer; qualifications; Orleans Parish health director
RS 40:21 Establishment of health district; district health officer
RS 40:22 Removal of parish or district health officer; Orleans Parish health director
RS 40:23 Salaries of parish or district health officers; unclassified
RS 40:24 Issuance of warrants by health officer; general duties of officer
RS 40:25 Entry on and inspection of premises
RS 40:26 Contractual agreement on establishment and maintenance of parish health unit
RS 40:27 Salaries and personnel benefits of health unit
RS 40:28 Tubercular individuals; free diagnostic clinics
RS 40:29 State health laboratories; fee schedule
RS 40:30 Provisions of this Chapter not to affect Louisiana Department of Agriculture
RS 40:31 Costs of court not charged against state or parish health officers
RS 40:31.1 Reye's Syndrome disease; mandatory reporting
RS 40:31.2 Repealed by Acts 2008, No. 815, ยง5.
RS 40:31.3 Adolescent school health initiative; health centers in schools
RS 40:31.11 Purpose
RS 40:31.12 Definitions
RS 40:31.13 Development of immunization registry and tracking and recall system; standards
RS 40:31.14 Authorization of release of immunization records
RS 40:31.15 Rulemaking
RS 40:31.16 Parental consent; parental responsibility for immunization; exemptions
RS 40:31.21 Legislative intent, declaration of policy
RS 40:31.22 Admission; general provisions
RS 40:31.23 Admissions; voluntary; involuntary
RS 40:31.24 Ex parte judicial order for custody; grounds; civil liability
RS 40:31.25 Adversarial judicial commitment; procedure
RS 40:31.26 Judicial hearings; general provisions
RS 40:31.27 Judicial commitment; review
RS 40:31.28 Discharge
RS 40:31.29 Costs
RS 40:31.31 Definitions
RS 40:31.32 Individual sewage fees
RS 40:31.33 Safe drinking water fee; exemptions
RS 40:31.34 Infectious waste permits
RS 40:31.35 Commercial seafood permit fee
RS 40:31.35.1 Imported seafood; Department of Culture, Recreation and Tourism; testing; penalties
RS 40:31.36 Health unit fees
RS 40:31.37 Retail food establishment fees
RS 40:31.38 Office of public health reinspection fees
RS 40:31.39 Dairy farms and plants; milk plants; permit fees; definitions
RS 40:31.41 Legislative intent
RS 40:31.42 Definitions
RS 40:31.43 Louisiana Birth Defects Surveillance System
RS 40:31.44 Confidentiality
RS 40:31.45 Report
RS 40:31.46 Advisory board
RS 40:31.47 Cooperation by other state entities
RS 40:31.48 Rules and regulations
RS 40:31.61 Legislative intent
RS 40:31.62 Definitions
RS 40:31.63 Parkinson's Disease Registry
RS 40:31.64 Director
RS 40:31.65 Authority and responsibility of the director
RS 40:31.66 Confidentiality; cooperation with other state and federal entities
RS 40:31.67 Funding
RS 40:31.68 Rules and regulations
RS 40:31.71 Legislative findings
RS 40:31.72 ALS disease surveillance system
RS 40:31.73 Confidentiality
RS 40:31.74 Report
RS 40:32 Definition of terms
RS 40:33 Vital records registry; establishment; general authority and duties of state registrar
RS 40:34 Vital records forms
RS 40:34.1 Original birth certificate; required contents
RS 40:34.2 Original birth certificate; required contents; name of child
RS 40:34.3 Original birth certificate; required contents; sex of child
RS 40:34.4 Original birth certificate; required contents; circumstances of birth
RS 40:34.5 Original birth certificate; required contents; name of father
RS 40:34.5.1 Three-party acknowledgment of paternity; effect
RS 40:34.5.2 Form and notice for three-party acknowledgment of paternity
RS 40:34.6 Original birth certificate; required contents; name of mother
RS 40:34.7 Original birth certificate; required contents; other information regarding the parents
RS 40:34.8 Original birth certificate; required contents; certification of attendant
RS 40:34.9 Original birth certificate; required contents; attestation of local filing
RS 40:34.10 Death certificate; required contents
RS 40:34.11 Paternity acknowledgement affidavit; required contents
RS 40:34.12 Provision of information to aid implementation of program of family support
RS 40:34.13 Registration of acknowledgements and adjudications of paternity
RS 40:35 Failure to complete medical certification
RS 40:36 State registrar as custodian
RS 40:37 Local registrars; duties
RS 40:38 Certified copies; issuance
RS 40:39 Issuance of short-form birth certification cards
RS 40:39.1 Certified copies of birth certificates and death certificates; clerks of district courts and the Second City Court of the city of New Orleans; Vital Records Conversion Fund
RS 40:40 Fees for certified copies
RS 40:41 Disclosure of records
RS 40:42 Evidentiary character of certificates
RS 40:43 Repealed by Acts 1987, No. 886, 4, eff. Jan. 1, 1988.
RS 40:44 Compulsory registration of births; rejection of certificates
RS 40:45 Preparation of birth certificates; by whom made
RS 40:46 New certificate of birth when judgment of filiation is obtained
RS 40:46.1 Amended birth certificates; change of biological filiation; general principle
RS 40:46.2 Change of maternal filiation; child with unidentified mother
RS 40:46.3 Change of maternal filiation; child with identified mother
RS 40:46.4 Change of paternal filiation; disavowal of paternity or three-party acknowledgment
RS 40:46.5 Change of paternal filiation; contestation and establishment of paternity
RS 40:46.6 Change of paternal filiation; marriage and formal acknowledgment
RS 40:46.7 Change of paternal filiation; formal acknowledgment alone
RS 40:46.8 Change of paternal filiation; judgment of paternity
RS 40:46.9 Repealed by Acts 2018, No. 21, ยง3, eff. May 7, 2018.
RS 40:46.10 Child born as a result of a surrogacy agreement
RS 40:46.11 Review by district attorney
RS 40:46.12 Hospital-based paternity program
RS 40:46.13 Paternity establishment services
RS 40:47 Compulsory registration of deaths and spontaneous fetal deaths (stillbirths)
RS 40:48 Abortions (induced termination of pregnancy); birth and death certificates
RS 40:49 Preparation and filing of death and spontaneous fetal death certificate (stillbirth)
RS 40:50 Issuance of death certificates; duties of state registrar
RS 40:51 Delayed determination of cause of death
RS 40:52 Permit for removal, burial, cremation, or other disposition of body for a death in state; requirements to obtain death certificate before removing body out of the continental United States
RS 40:53 Foreign permits; death outside state
RS 40:54 Prerequisites for permit
RS 40:55 Marriage certificate; compulsory registration of marriages
RS 40:56 Repealed by Acts 1987, No. 886, 4, eff. Jan. 1, 1988.
RS 40:57 Divorce certificate; registration of divorces and annulments
RS 40:58 Fee of clerk of court for divorce and annulment report
RS 40:59 Delayed or altered certificates; allowed subject to department regulations
RS 40:60 Handling of delayed or altered certificate
RS 40:61 Penalties
RS 40:61.1 Criminal background investigation
RS 40:62 Issuance of new birth certificate after anatomical change of sex by surgery
RS 40:62.1 Issuance of new birth certificate for child with mistaken sex designation on original birth record
RS 40:63 Abortion, induced termination of pregnancy; purpose
RS 40:64 Forms for collection of data
RS 40:65 Completion of forms; filing with vital records registry
RS 40:66 Failure to complete form; penalty
RS 40:67 Persons over twelve years of age; establishment of birth record
RS 40:68 Petition
RS 40:69 Proof required
RS 40:70 Copy of petition and judgment to registrar
RS 40:71 Issuance of copy
RS 40:72 Record of adoptions prior to July 27, 1938
RS 40:73 Certified copy of the new record; sealing and confidentiality of the original birth record; issuance of original birth certificate
RS 40:74 Report of annulments of adoption
RS 40:75 Adult adoption; name changes
RS 40:76 Record of foreign adoptions
RS 40:77 Certified copy for adoptive parents; issuance of original birth certificate
RS 40:78 Retroactive operation
RS 40:79 Record of adoption decree
RS 40:91 Title
RS 40:92 Certificate of stillbirth; requirements
RS 40:93 Gestational carrier data collection; purpose
RS 40:94 Forms for collection of data
RS 40:95 Completion of forms; filing with vital records registry
RS 40:96 Confidentiality
RS 40:97 Repealed by Acts 1991, No. 235, 17, eff. Jan. 1, 1992.
RS 40:98 Repealed by Acts 1991, No. 235, 17, eff. Jan. 1, 1992.
RS 40:99 Repealed by Acts 1991, No. 235, 17, eff. Jan. 1, 1992.
RS 40:101 Commemorative certificate of miscarried child; requirements
RS 40:381.1 Repealed by Acts 1997, No. 1188, 2.
RS 40:382 Findings and purposes
RS 40:383 Purposes
RS 40:384 Definitions
RS 40:385 Benefits not a right
RS 40:391 Establishment of local housing authorities
RS 40:392 Establishment of authorities
RS 40:393 Resolution of governing body
RS 40:394 Adoption of a legal name
RS 40:395 Evidence of establishment of local housing authority
RS 40:396 Area of operation of local housing authority established by municipality
RS 40:397 Area of operation of local housing authority established by parish
RS 40:398 Concurrent jurisdiction
RS 40:399 Continuation of operations after commenced
RS 40:400 Cooperative jurisdiction
RS 40:401 Vesting of authority's powers in commissioners, voting
RS 40:401.1 Housing authority of the parish of St. Landry; commissioners
RS 40:401.2 Repealed by Acts 1997, No. 1188, 2.
RS 40:401.3 Repealed by Acts 1997, No. 1188, 2.
RS 40:401.4 Repealed by Acts 1997, No. 1188, 2.
RS 40:401.5 Repealed by Acts 1997, No. 1188, 2.
RS 40:401.6 Repealed by Acts 1997, No. 1188, 2.
RS 40:401.7 Repealed by Acts 1997, No. 1188, 2.
RS 40:401.8 Repealed by Acts 1997, No. 1188, 2.
RS 40:401.9 Repealed by Acts 1997, No. 1188, 2.
RS 40:402 Executive committees
RS 40:403 Responsibility for debts or liabilities of local housing authorities
RS 40:404 Repealed by Acts 2011, 1st Ex. Sess., No. 12, ยง2, eff. June 12, 2011.
RS 40:404.1 Housing authorities of the cities of Gonzales and St. Martinville; per diem
RS 40:405 Exemptions from levy and execution
RS 40:406 Exemptions from certain laws
RS 40:411 Creation
RS 40:412 Area of operation
RS 40:413 Increasing area of operation
RS 40:414 Effect on local authorities of adoption of consolidated or regional authorities
RS 40:415 Prerequisites to adoption of resolution creating or expanding regional or consolidated authority
RS 40:416 Public hearings to create regional or consolidated authority or increase its area of operation
RS 40:417 Consent of obligees and commissioners of local authority to substitution of regional or consolidated authority, transfer of rights, duties and property
RS 40:418 Notification of mayor of adoption of consolidated authority
RS 40:419 Transfer of property to regional or consolidated authority; registration
RS 40:420 Time of official creation; contents of resolution; resolution as evidence
RS 40:421 Decreasing area of operation; conversion to parish or municipal authority
RS 40:422 Prerequisites to adoption of resolution decreasing area of operation
RS 40:423 Public hearing necessary before decrease
RS 40:424 Creditors of agency must consent to decrease
RS 40:425 Disposal of property held in eliminated area
RS 40:426 Creation of new local authority in parishes and municipalities excluded from regional or consolidated authority
RS 40:427 Commissioners of regional or consolidated housing authority; appointment
RS 40:428 Terms of commissioners
RS 40:429 Certificates of appointment of commissioners
RS 40:431 General character of local housing authority powers
RS 40:431.1 Jefferson Parish Housing Authority; power of taxation
RS 40:432 Examinations and investigations
RS 40:433 Issue subpoenas and commissions
RS 40:434 Funds and investments
RS 40:435 Assessments and planning
RS 40:436 Development
RS 40:437 Development, operations, and activities
RS 40:438 Maintenance of housing developments
RS 40:439 Rental of housing and other property
RS 40:440 Acquisition and sale of housing and other property
RS 40:441 Non-residential and mixed-use properties and facilities
RS 40:442 Community facilities
RS 40:443 Preservation of affordable housing
RS 40:444 Program eligibility, procedures, and requirements
RS 40:445 Mortgaging, pledging, encumbering property and assets
RS 40:446 Loans, guarantees, tax inducements, mortgage assistance
RS 40:447 Forgiveness or compromise of indebtedness
RS 40:448 Mixed-income housing
RS 40:449 Rental and relocation assistance
RS 40:450 Insurance
RS 40:451 Indemnification
RS 40:452 Services
RS 40:453 Local, state, or federal assistance
RS 40:454 Private cooperation and assistance
RS 40:455 Management contracts
RS 40:456 Security of persons and property
RS 40:456.1 The Housing Authority of New Orleans; peace officers; appointment, duties, and powers
RS 40:457 Resident organizations
RS 40:458 Facilities and programs to assist homeless persons
RS 40:459 Commercial activities
RS 40:460 Benefit plans
RS 40:461 Expenditure of public funds
RS 40:462 Memberships in associations
RS 40:463 Grants, donations and contributions
RS 40:464 Elimination or amelioration of slums and blight
RS 40:465 Pre-existing powers
RS 40:466 Mixed-income development
RS 40:467 Bonds and other debt instruments, financing
RS 40:468 Issuance of bonds; means for payment
RS 40:469 Liability on bonds; debt limitations
RS 40:470 Issuance of bonds; type, form and sale of bonds
RS 40:471 Signatures validated, presumption of validity of bond
RS 40:472 Powers of housing authority; securing payment of bonds or lease obligations
RS 40:473 Short-term bond anticipation notes
RS 40:474 Underwriter as agent
RS 40:475 Enforcing rights of obligee of a housing authority
RS 40:476 Power of housing authority to confer additional rights upon obligee
RS 40:477 Investment in bonds and authorized for public funds, financial institutions, trusts and fiduciaries
RS 40:478 Issuance of debt instruments other than bonds
RS 40:479 Taxability of bonds and other debt instruments
RS 40:480 Essential governmental purpose
RS 40:481 Issuance of debt instruments on behalf of others
RS 40:482 Limitations on housing authority powers; not-for-profit operation
RS 40:483 Method of operation
RS 40:484 Use of income or surplus
RS 40:485 Application of policies
RS 40:486 Rights of action
RS 40:487 Affiliates, applicability of certain laws
RS 40:488 Recourse obligations and cross-collateralization
RS 40:489 Financial prudence
RS 40:490 Tax exemption
RS 40:491 Repealed by Acts 1997, No. 1188, 2.
RS 40:492 Repealed by Acts 1997, No. 1188, 2.
RS 40:493 Repealed by Acts 1997, No. 1188, 2.
RS 40:494 Repealed by Acts 1997, No. 1188, 2.
RS 40:495 Repealed by Acts 1997, No. 1188, 2.
RS 40:496 Repealed by Acts 1997, No. 1188, 2.
RS 40:497 Repealed by Acts 1997, No. 1188, 2.
RS 40:498 Repealed by Acts 1997, No. 1188, 2.
RS 40:499 Repealed by Acts 1997, No. 1188, 2.
RS 40:500 Tenant-housing authority relationship
RS 40:501 Selection and preferences
RS 40:502 Differing criteria, requirements, or standards
RS 40:503 Continued occupancy after termination of eligibility
RS 40:504 Lease
RS 40:505 Change in family composition
RS 40:506 Termination of tenancy
RS 40:507 Community participation
RS 40:508 Property of housing authorities; limitation on access
RS 40:509 Identification of persons
RS 40:510 Exclusion or ejection of unauthorized persons
RS 40:511 Law cumulative
RS 40:512 Annual reports of local housing authorities
RS 40:513 Filing a false report
RS 40:514 Audits
RS 40:515 Immunity from personal liability of commissioners, officers, employees, and agents
RS 40:516 Authority to indemnify representatives
RS 40:517 Mandatory indemnification
RS 40:518 Advance for expenses
RS 40:519 Determination and authority of indemnification
RS 40:520 Insurance
RS 40:521 Indemnification; extent; reimbursement of commissioner expenses as witness
RS 40:522 Limitations
RS 40:523 Planning and zoning
RS 40:524 Exceptions for affordable housing or local housing authorities
RS 40:525 Local authority planning participation
RS 40:526 Exempt records
RS 40:527 Permitted disclosure
RS 40:528 Disclosure to residents and applicants; limitations
RS 40:529 Procedures for procurement of goods and services, sale or disposition of property, personnel management
RS 40:530 Conflict of interest
RS 40:531 Appointment of commissioners to local housing authority
RS 40:531.1 Repealed by Acts 1997, No. 1188, 2.
RS 40:532 Terms of office for local housing authority commissioner
RS 40:533 Vacancies in local authorities
RS 40:534 Certificate of appointment or reappointment
RS 40:535 Eligibility of commissioners
RS 40:536 Tenant commissioners
RS 40:537 Removal of commissioners
RS 40:538 Validity of actions of board of commissioners
RS 40:539 Selection of chairman and vice chairman; executive director; hiring of employees
RS 40:540 Compensation; expense reimbursements to commissioners
RS 40:541 Dissolution of local housing authorities
RS 40:542 Rights and obligations upon transfer, dissolution
RS 40:543 Area of operation after dissolution
RS 40:544 Dissolution of regional and consolidated housing authorities
RS 40:545 Private rights of action; third party beneficiary rights
RS 40:546 Meetings of commissioners
RS 40:547 Validating provisions
RS 40:548 Filing false reports on income; penalty
RS 40:549 Legal construction
RS 40:550 Partial invalidity; severability
RS 40:561 Definitions
RS 40:562 Housing authorities' ability to obtain information
RS 40:563 Procedures
RS 40:564 Violations
RS 40:565 Repealed by Acts 1954, No. 710, 1
RS 40:566 Repealed by Acts 1997, No. 1188, 2.
RS 40:567 Repealed by Acts 1997, No. 1188, 2.
RS 40:568 Repealed by Acts 1997, No. 1188, 2.
RS 40:569 Repealed by Acts 1997, No. 1188, 2.
RS 40:570 Title
RS 40:571 Finding and declaration of necessity
RS 40:572 Definitions
RS 40:573 Cooperation in undertaking housing projects
RS 40:574 Exception of contracts from requirements of appraisal; advertising and bidding
RS 40:575 Exception of certain developments from regulations of state public body
RS 40:576 Agreements on taxes due by housing authority; East Baton Rouge Parish excepted
RS 40:577 Advances to housing authority
RS 40:578 Procedure for exercising powers
RS 40:579 Power conferred in Part supplemental
RS 40:580 Title
RS 40:580.1 Definitions
RS 40:580.2 Slum conditions; action by municipality
RS 40:580.3 Standards for determination of unfitness for human habitation
RS 40:580.4 Complaints or orders; service; posting
RS 40:580.5 Injunction against public officer
RS 40:580.6 Damages recoverable
RS 40:580.7 Powers of public officers
RS 40:580.8 Estimates of annual expenses; appropriations and donations
RS 40:580.9 Powers conferred in Part supplemental
RS 40:580.10 Authority
RS 40:581 Repealed by Acts 1977, No. 83, 5, eff. June 22, 1977.
RS 40:581.1 To 581.41 repealed by Acts 1988, 1st Ex. Sess., No. 1, 10, eff. Mar. 28, 1988.
RS 40:582.1 ยง582.1. Repealed by Acts 2024, 3rd Ex. Sess., No. 11, ยง4, eff. Dec. 4, 2024.
RS 40:582.2 ยง582.2. Repealed by Acts 2024, 3rd Ex. Sess., No. 11, ยง4, eff. Dec. 4, 2024.
RS 40:582.3 ยง582.3. Repealed by Acts 2024, 3rd Ex. Sess., No. 11, ยง4, eff. Dec. 4, 2024.
RS 40:582.4 ยง582.4. Repealed by Acts 2024, 3rd Ex. Sess., No. 11, ยง4, eff. Dec. 4, 2024.
RS 40:582.5 ยง582.5. Repealed by Acts 2024, 3rd Ex. Sess., No. 11, ยง4, eff. Dec. 4, 2024.
RS 40:582.6 ยง582.6. Repealed by Acts 2024, 3rd Ex. Sess., No. 11, ยง4, eff. Dec. 4, 2024.
RS 40:582.7 ยง582.7. Repealed by Acts 2024, 3rd Ex. Sess., No. 11, ยง4, eff. Dec. 4, 2024.
RS 40:583 To 592 repealed by Acts 1977, No. 83, 5, eff. June 22, 1977.
RS 40:592.1 Short title
RS 40:592.2 Declaration of purpose
RS 40:592.3 Definitions
RS 40:592.4 Designated area
RS 40:592.5 Governing authority; duties and powers
RS 40:592.6 Taxes; exemption
RS 40:592.7 Title; conclusive proof of compliance
RS 40:593 To 597 repealed by Acts 1977, No. 83, 5, eff. June 22, 1977.
RS 40:597.1 To 597.18 repealed by Acts 1989, No. 662, 8, eff. July 7, 1989.
RS 40:598 To 600 repealed by Acts 1977, No. 83, 5, eff. June 22, 1977.
RS 40:600.1 Repealed by Acts 2011, No. 408, ยง3, eff. midnight, June 30, 2012.
RS 40:600.2 Repealed by Acts 2011, No. 408, ยง3, eff. midnight, June 30, 2012.
RS 40:600.3 Repealed by Acts 2011, No. 408, ยง3, eff. midnight, June 30, 2012.
RS 40:600.4 Repealed by Acts 2011, No. 408, ยง3, eff. midnight, June 30, 2012.
RS 40:600.5 Repealed by Acts 2011, No. 408, ยง3, eff. midnight, June 30, 2012.
RS 40:600.6 Repealed by Acts 2011, No. 408, ยง3, eff. midnight, June 30, 2012.
RS 40:600.7 Repealed by Acts 2011, No. 408, ยง3, eff. midnight, June 30, 2012.
RS 40:600.8 Repealed by Acts 2011, No. 408, ยง3, eff. midnight, June 30, 2012.
RS 40:600.9 Repealed by Acts 2011, No. 408, ยง3, eff. midnight, June 30, 2012.
RS 40:600.10 Repealed by Acts 2011, No. 408, ยง3, eff. midnight, June 30, 2012.
RS 40:600.11 Repealed by Acts 2011, No. 408, ยง3, eff. midnight, June 30, 2012.
RS 40:600.12 Repealed by Acts 2011, No. 408, ยง3, eff. midnight, June 30, 2012.
RS 40:600.13 Repealed by Acts 2011, No. 408, ยง3, eff. midnight, June 30, 2012.
RS 40:600.14 Repealed by Acts 2011, No. 408, ยง3, eff. midnight, June 30, 2012.
RS 40:600.15 Repealed by Acts 2011, No. 408, ยง3, eff. midnight, June 30, 2012.
RS 40:600.16 Repealed by Acts 2011, No. 408, ยง3, eff. midnight, June 30, 2012.
RS 40:600.17 Repealed by Acts 2011, No. 408, ยง3, eff. midnight, June 30, 2012.
RS 40:600.18 Repealed by Acts 2011, No. 408, ยง3, eff. midnight, June 30, 2012.
RS 40:600.19 Repealed by Acts 2011, No. 408, ยง3, eff. midnight, June 30, 2012.
RS 40:600.20 Repealed by Acts 2011, No. 408, ยง3, eff. midnight, June 30, 2012.
RS 40:600.21 Repealed by Acts 2011, No. 408, ยง3, eff. midnight, June 30, 2012.
RS 40:600.22 Repealed by Acts 2011, No. 408, ยง3, eff. midnight, June 30, 2012.
RS 40:600.23 Repealed by Acts 2011, No. 408, ยง3, eff. midnight, June 30, 2012.
RS 40:600.24 Repealed by Acts 2011, No. 408, ยง3, eff. midnight, June 30, 2012.
RS 40:600.25 Repealed by Acts 2011, No. 408, ยง3, eff. midnight, June 30, 2012.
RS 40:600.25.1 Repealed by Acts 2011, No. 408, ยง3, eff. midnight, June 30, 2012.
RS 40:600.26 Short title; purpose
RS 40:600.31 Short title
RS 40:600.32 Legislative findings
RS 40:600.33 Definitions
RS 40:600.34 Blighted housing property list; creation, maintenance, and challenges thereto
RS 40:600.35 Statewide blighted housing property list
RS 40:600.36 Filing of action to implement rehabilitation plan; notice to secured parties
RS 40:600.37 Action to establish a receivership
RS 40:600.38 Local governmental subdivision as receiver
RS 40:600.39 Designation of qualified rehabilitation entity
RS 40:600.40 Permits, taxes, liens, and notice of completion
RS 40:600.41 Reinstatement of owner in possession
RS 40:600.42 Petition for reinstatement
RS 40:600.43 Sale of property
RS 40:600.44 Preference to affected areas
RS 40:600.51 Short title; purpose
RS 40:600.52 General provisions; trust fund
RS 40:600.61 Short title
RS 40:600.62 Definitions
RS 40:600.63 Functions of Road Home Corporation
RS 40:600.64 Membership of the board of directors; vacancies; compensation; expenses
RS 40:600.65 Applicable laws to Road Home Corporation
RS 40:600.66 Powers and responsibilities of the Road Home Corporation and the Louisiana Land Trust
RS 40:600.67 Excess earnings
RS 40:600.68 Dissolution of the Road Home Corporation; Title to property to vest in successor
RS 40:600.71 Title
RS 40:600.72 Legislative findings
RS 40:600.73 Definitions
RS 40:600.74 Sources
RS 40:600.75 Funding
RS 40:600.76 Type of assistance
RS 40:600.86 Short title; findings; purpose
RS 40:600.87 Definitions
RS 40:600.88 Creation of the corporation
RS 40:600.89 Organization of the corporation
RS 40:600.90 Officers of the corporation; duties; liability
RS 40:600.91 Powers and duties of the corporation
RS 40:600.92 Purchase of mortgage loans
RS 40:600.93 Loans to lending institutions
RS 40:600.94 Bonds of the corporation
RS 40:600.95 Statutory pledge
RS 40:600.96 Refunding bonds
RS 40:600.97 Liability of directors, officers, or employees of the corporation
RS 40:600.98 Purchase of bonds by corporation
RS 40:600.99 Approval of issuance of bonds by State Bond Commission
RS 40:600.100 Exemption from taxes
RS 40:600.101 Covenant of state
RS 40:600.102 Trust funds
RS 40:600.103 Bonds as legal investment and security for public deposits
RS 40:600.104 Accounts and audits
RS 40:600.105 Cooperation of state agencies
RS 40:600.106 Suits to determine validity of bonds
RS 40:600.107 State appropriations or grants
RS 40:600.108 Termination of corporation
RS 40:600.109 Construction of Chapter
RS 40:600.110 Fees
RS 40:600.111 Mortgage foreclosure counseling
RS 40:600.151 Louisiana Interagency Council on Homelessness
RS 40:602 Definition of terms
RS 40:603 Liability of persons
RS 40:604 Regulations
RS 40:605 Examinations, investigations, and hearings conducted by board or agent
RS 40:606 Court review of regulations and administrative actions; injunctions
RS 40:607 Adulterated food
RS 40:608 Misbranded food
RS 40:608.1 Mislabeling of honey
RS 40:608.2 Unlawful practices in sale of kosher food; penalty
RS 40:608.3 Repealed by Acts 2012, No. 222, ยง1.
RS 40:609 Exemption from labeling requirements
RS 40:610 Definitions and standards for food
RS 40:611 Tolerance for poisonous ingredients in food and certification of coal-tar colors for food
RS 40:612 Contaminated food; permit control
RS 40:613 Regulations governing issuance and renewal of permit
RS 40:614 Suspension of permit; reinstatement
RS 40:615 Inspection of permittee's establishment; denial of access
RS 40:616 Adulterated drugs
RS 40:617 Misbranded drugs and devices
RS 40:617.1 Repealed by Acts 2011, No. 100, ยง2
RS 40:618 Drugs recognized in compendiums
RS 40:619 Certain drugs and devices excepted from labeling and packaging provisions
RS 40:620 Certification of coal-tar colors for drugs
RS 40:621 Adulterated cosmetics
RS 40:622 Misbranded cosmetics
RS 40:623 Certain cosmetics excepted from labeling requirements
RS 40:624 Certification of coal-tar colors for cosmetics
RS 40:625 False advertisement
RS 40:626 Exceptions as to false advertising by agencies
RS 40:627 Registration of certain products
RS 40:628 Examination and investigation fee; food and drug control fees
RS 40:629 Records of interstate shipment
RS 40:630 Carriers in interstate commerce; excepted from Part
RS 40:631 Factory inspections
RS 40:632 Causes for seizure and condemnation of food, drugs, devices, or cosmetics
RS 40:633 Seizure; procedure; prohibition on sale or disposal of article
RS 40:634 Condemnation and sale, or release
RS 40:635 Condemnation or destruction of perishables in certain cases
RS 40:636 Other prohibited acts
RS 40:637 Procedure for reporting violations of Part
RS 40:638 Duties of district attorney
RS 40:639 Penalties
RS 40:640 Dealers excepted from penalty in certain cases
RS 40:641 Injunction proceedings
RS 40:642 Repealed by Acts 2022, No. 252, ยง3.
RS 40:651 Definitions
RS 40:652 Food processing plants; written food processing plan
RS 40:653 Food processing plants; recall plan
RS 40:654 Food processing plants; foodborne illness reporting and testing requirements
RS 40:671 Washing prohibited; penalty
RS 40:676 Laetrile
RS 40:681 License required for use of containers
RS 40:682 Qualifications for license; sterilization process
RS 40:683 Duration of license
RS 40:684 Issuance of certificate by licensee; revocation of license for wrongful issuance
RS 40:685 Sterilization certificate as license for use of containers
RS 40:686 Sale or transfer to licensee to cleanse or sterilize
RS 40:687 Re-use of closures
RS 40:688 Rules and regulations
RS 40:689 Penalty
RS 40:690 Metal beverage containers
RS 40:695 Tampering with consumer products; false reports of violations; prohibition; penalties
RS 40:700 Definition of terms
RS 40:700.1 Rules and regulations
RS 40:700.2 False advertisement
RS 40:700.3 Exceptions as to false advertising by agencies
RS 40:700.4 Other prohibited acts
RS 40:700.5 Permit; application; fees; renewal
RS 40:700.6 Revocation of permit
RS 40:700.7 Surety Bond
RS 40:700.8 Procedure for reporting violations of Subpart
RS 40:700.9 Duties of district attorney
RS 40:700.10 Penalties
RS 40:700.11 Injunction proceedings
RS 40:700.12 Repealed by Acts 2022, No. 252, ยง3.
RS 40:700.13 Repealed by Acts 1989, No. 662, 8, eff. July 7, 1989.
RS 40:701 Definitions
RS 40:701.1 Permit; application; fees; renewal
RS 40:701.2 Revocation of permit
RS 40:701.3 Labeling
RS 40:701.4 Penalty for violations
RS 40:701.5 Injunction proceedings
RS 40:711 Permit for manufacture or sale
RS 40:712 Part inapplicable to persons selling soft drinks where manufactured
RS 40:713 Contents of application; fee
RS 40:714 Inspection; granting or refusing permit; grounds
RS 40:715 Term of permit; renewal
RS 40:716 Inspection of soft drinks manufactured outside state; fee
RS 40:717 Inspection of bottling plants and places for sale; fee
RS 40:718 Each separate plant subject to inspection or permit fee
RS 40:719 Revocation of permit
RS 40:720 Ingredients permitted in soft drinks
RS 40:721 Disposition of proceeds of fees
RS 40:722 Penalty for violations
RS 40:731 Legislative intent
RS 40:732 Definitions
RS 40:733 Product quality
RS 40:734 Good manufacturing practices and operational requirements
RS 40:735 Source water monitoring
RS 40:736 Finished product monitoring
RS 40:737 Labeling requirements
RS 40:738 Soda water/soft drink exemption
RS 40:739 Waiver of filtration and germicidal treatment
RS 40:740 Appendices; maximum contaminant levels
RS 40:741 Rules and enforcement; criminal penalties
RS 40:751 Enforcement of Part
RS 40:752 Vitamin content
RS 40:753 Conformity to rulings of federal security agency
RS 40:754 Right of entry upon premises of manufacturer, processor, or dealer
RS 40:755 Shortage of vitamin; procedure for waiver
RS 40:756 Labeling
RS 40:757 Penalty
RS 40:781 Definitions
RS 40:782 Rules and regulations
RS 40:783 Publication of rules, orders, notices; effective date
RS 40:784 Exemptions from Subpart
RS 40:785 Vitamin content and other ingredients in flour
RS 40:786 Enrichment of flour; methods
RS 40:787 Vitamin content and other ingredients in bread
RS 40:788 Enrichment of bread; methods
RS 40:789 Labeling
RS 40:790 Inspection and analyses
RS 40:791 Shortage of ingredients; procedure for suspending Subpart
RS 40:792 Penalty
RS 40:821 Manufacturers and dealers; fees; disposition of fees
RS 40:822 Rules and regulations; standards; inspectors
RS 40:823 Seizure and condemnation of unregistered products
RS 40:824 Penalty
RS 40:851 Contents of self-rising flour
RS 40:852 Contents of label; required ingredients
RS 40:853 Penalty
RS 40:881 Labeling of milk products; prohibition; definition; enforcement
RS 40:882 Redesignated
RS 40:921 Grade A requirements; powdered whole milk and powdered skim milk labeling requirements
RS 40:922 Rules and regulations prescribing sanitary standard requirements and grade labeling requirements
RS 40:923 Imported milk and milk products
RS 40:924 Revocation or cancellation of permit or license
RS 40:925 Municipalities and parishes; standards; powers
RS 40:926 To 929 Repealed by Acts 1954, No. 93, 1
RS 40:931 To 938 Repealed by Acts 1974, No. 31, 1, eff. June 1, 1975
RS 40:940.1 To 940.23 Repealed by Acts 1974, No. 31, 1, eff. June 1, 1975
RS 40:940.51 Exemption of sales to schools; competitive bids for purchase of milk
RS 40:940.52 Commercial fisherman's catch; transportation and sale
RS 40:941 Handling of meat not slaughtered under license prohibited; exceptions; penalty
RS 40:951 Definitions
RS 40:952 Caustic alkali and other poisons; label on container; penalty
RS 40:953 Seizure
RS 40:961 Definitions
RS 40:961.1 Industrial hemp exemption
RS 40:962 Authority to control
RS 40:962.1 Ephedrine products
RS 40:962.1.1 Possession of twelve grams or more of ephedrine, pseudoephedrine, or phenylpropanolamine or their salts, optical isomers, and salts of optical isomers